Proxmox Datacenter Manager - First Alpha Release

V 0.1.10
ok so far on a 4 cluster setup...Still no CPU temperatures, but I guess the changes were under the hood?
Well kinda I have to shell into each node and type the sensors command to see the temps.
I see.

But yeah, that would be nice to see in every webfrontend, tbh. Not only here but in PVE/PBS as well.
V 0.1.10
ok so far on a 4 cluster setup...Still no CPU temperatures, but I guess the changes were under the hood?
where to download next alpha releases? im on 0.1.7 ALPHA

edit: how to update to newer version?
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Does the Proxmox Datacenter Manager support live migration of VMs without the need to shut down the machine? If not, are there any plans to implement this feature?
First: Thanks for that nice new project / product from you!
I have a question: Is it possible to migrate with the pdm VMs over nodes that aren´t in a cluster? (Because in the "Features/Highlights"-Section in the Wiki stands that exactly that is supported in the moment?)
I get the failure message 501: Not implemented. But when I try the qm remote-migrate command on the shell I get another error, that is related to storage.
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I have to relog in 3 times every time I visit the it just me? I will log in the page will come up, and the second I move the mouse it will log out, but after the 3rd it will work...
Happy New Year.
Good work guys.
I can't migrate vm from non clustered remote to clustered one. To be clear- I can, but at migration window I can select only proper TargetRemote. TargetNode stays grayed and it is possible to migrate only to first cluster member.
hi All,

Need your help to solve the Metric didnt shown on the PVE Datacenter Manager Dasboard, and showing this syslog error.



is there any adjustment needed on my PVE node or datacenter?

hi All,

Need your help to solve the Metric didnt shown on the PVE Datacenter Manager Dasboard, and showing this syslog error.

View attachment 80075

View attachment 80073

is there any adjustment needed on my PVE node or datacenter?

View attachment 80074

As stated in the initial release post, we require up-to-date Proxmox VE remotes. The metric export API endpoint was introduced in pve-manager 8.2.5, it seems like you are using a version older than that.

Hope this helps!
I noticed something strange.
I have 2 x 1G and 2 x 10G network interfaces.
2 x 1G -> bond1 -> vmbr1
2 x 10G -> bond0 -> vmbr0
when migrating from a cluster to a standalone server, I see that the traffic goes through 1G (vmbr1), not 10G (vmbr0)
I've ended up using vmbr0.
Any idea what the problem is ?
Do I need to open a new ticket for this problem ?