Debian no longer supports OpenVZ, what about Proxmox ?


Jul 18, 2012
Hi there,

I've read this on some forum :
"OpenVZ and Linux-Vserver: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 will be the last release to include Linux kernel virtualization featuresets outside of mainline. This means that the OpenVZ and Linux-Vserver featuresets should be considered deprecated, and users should migrate to linux-2.6 upstream merged virtualization solutions like KVM, Linux Containers or Xen."

And later :

"The Debian 6.0 release notes include a warning that for Debian 7.0 (wheezy) it is planned to no longer support OpenVZ."


If Debian no longer supports OpenVZ compared to changes in the kernel, is it possible that Proxmox no longer uses OpenVZ ?
What could be use instead ?
I mean, what container could we use instead ?

OpenVZ seems to prefer to use RedHat operating system. That are their choices. What are yours ?
I mean, do the Proxmox team will continue to support Debian ?
And also, do the Debian team will continue to support the Proxmox project if you continue to use OpenVZ ?

best regards,
Marc-Henri Pamiseux
Initially, all my virtual machines were based on Debian. Since I use Proxmox, all my virtual machines are based on CentOS. The real reason for this choice is that in the latest version of OpenVZ you can set the swap file in a CentOS container from the Proxmox panel, while Debian-based containers are not able to use the proxmox swap setting.
Initially, all my virtual machines were based on Debian. Since I use Proxmox, all my virtual machines are based on CentOS. The real reason for this choice is that in the latest version of OpenVZ you can set the swap file in a CentOS container from the Proxmox panel, while Debian-based containers are not able to use the proxmox swap setting.
Could you detail on this statement a bit more? If I set vswap in any container, I can observe the virtual swap space is correctly being represented. As an example in a Debian Squeeze CT:

# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          1536       1297        238          0          0        339
-/+ buffers/cache:        958        577
Swap:          512        318        193
I have done some research (take a look to ) and I have discovered that many debian / ubuntu container fails to use vswap file setting (excluding debian / ubuntu containers adviced by proxmox) ; otherwise CentOS in OpenVZ can use "the vswap setting in proxmox" ... even you can take a look to another link or : it says that "for VSwap, you need vswap-enabled kernel, ie RHEL6-based OpenVZ kernel."
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The Proxmox PVE uses a RHEL6-based OpenVZ kernel - to the best of my knowledge.