zfs not detecting disk removal in pools

I am ringing the alarm bells.!!!

ZFS should not be idle. I mean it is a small price to pay when every 30 seconds the tiniest of IO operation if done. Maybe every 1 hour or what ever seems useful.

Doing no health checks is beyond my understanding at the moment. Can someone please shed some light on this?
I am ringing the alarm bells.!!!

Doing no health checks is beyond my understanding at the moment. Can someone please shed some light on this?
It is clear that this is very important to you, but maybe other people don't think this is a thing that ZFS needs to also do.
ZFS should not be idle. I mean it is a small price to pay when every 30 seconds the tiniest of IO operation if done. Maybe every 1 hour or what ever seems useful.
Looks like the OpenZFS suggest ZFS Watcher for this on their website. If that works well for you, maybe you could ask Proxmox to include it, or something like it?
We had such a thread before. So not the first case this was observed.
And if I remember right, ZFS will only complain when it tries to write to that missing disk, so fiona got a good point.

Are you maybe also using a raid card and not a dumb HBA, so there could be some unnecessary abstraction layer in between?

Tried to find that older thread, but can't find it...
I use backplanes from supermicro and silverstone. all configured to be dumb.
The syslog does show that the OS notices the loss of a drive.