ZFS-2: Seems like it is using more diskspace than it should


New Member
Sep 14, 2020
I am new to ProxMox, and moving over from OMV to proxmox. I created a ZFS pool with my drives, created a VM to house OMV with 5TB of HD storage on the VM.
I started copying the data, and after 20gb copied, it is taking up 40gb on disk....
Did I miss something?
With what command are you checking the disk space? zpool does include raid information, so if you setup a raid 1, 20gig will count as 40 since its on both drive.

df -h should give you the right ammount.
I am looking at my drive on the node. Proxmox-> Node -> Storage -> Summary, and under usage.
Also, this would have been a raid Z-2 over 6 3TB drives. Calculation should be (6 drives - 2 for parity ) * 3TB = 12tb Then with a little overhead, it should be 10-11tb usable.

I am currently trying this as a RaidZ-1 to see if it is a RaidZ2 issue or something else. I did create the RaidZ arrays using the GUI.

On the VM,
I am showing 7.7gb used on the VMdisk drive.
ProxMox shows 12.15GB used on the zpool zfs volume.

Only volume / contents is this VM.
search for 'zfs raidz zvol space' on this forum or google
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