[root@proxmox1 sources.list.d]$ pve7to8
Checking for package updates..
WARN: updates for the following packages are available:
dpkg, fontconfig, telnet, inetutils-telnet, librados2, libfmt9, liblttng-ust1, libssl3, cifs-utils, libssh2-1, libssl3, tcpdump, libssl3, dmidecode, libcups2, libwrap0, libxtables12, libcurl4, libldap-2.5-0, libssl3, libpolkit-agent-1-0, dmeventd, libpulse0, libx11-xcb1, libsmartcols1, zstd, udev, coreutils, libgdbm-compat4, libnetaddr-ip-perl, exfatprogs, ceph-fuse, libfmt9, libmm-glib0, python3-gi, libffi8, hdparm, libext2fs2, bind9-host, pciutils, libnftnl11, libgssapi-krb5-2, libnet-ssleay-perl, libssl3, libcurl3-gnutls, libldap-2.5-0, open-iscsi, libssl3, openssh-client, libssl3, iptables, libmbim-utils, iputils-ping, fdutils, libglusterfs0, libssl3, libauthen-pam-perl, libnl-3-200, libnl-genl-3-200, libgfapi0, apt, libssh-4, libssl3, libtemplate-perl, packagekit-tools, dbus-user-session, libnftables1, libqmi-proxy, libproxy1v5, wpasupplicant, libssl3, libfuse2, modemmanager, libacl1, gpg, libglib2.0-bin, perl, perl-modules-5.36, libperl5.36, libtinfo6, rrdcached, libunwind8, bridge-utils, libldb2, libldap-2.5-0, ntfs-3g, libntfs-3g89, libmagic-mgc, libpcre3, libpango-1.0-0, libunistring2, libtevent0, kbd, python3-minimal, chrony, libmbim-glib4, libpam-systemd, busybox, libleveldb1d, ppp, libssl3, nmap-common, libnl-route-3-200, libselinux1, libarchive13, liblzma5, sed, lsb-base, ssh, tar, libgfrpc0, libavahi-common-data, libcap2-bin, whiptail, gir1.2-glib-2.0, base-passwd, libsasl2-2, libcairo2, libgbm1, cockpit-system, xxd, python3-ceph-common, libibverbs1, librbd1, libfmt9, liblttng-ust1, libssl3, grub-pc-bin, libdb5.3, zip, libbinutils, libp11-kit0, libffi8, cockpit-networkmanager, libapt-pkg6.0, procmail, libposix-strptime-perl, libiperf0, libssl3, apparmor, librgw2, libicu72, libldap-2.5-0, libssl3, libthrift-0.17.0, libfido2-1, libcbor0.8, libssl3, kmod, libssl3, cockpit-bridge, libwayland-server0, libffi8, libopts25, libmagic1, liblua5.3-0, librrds-perl, faketime, ceph-common, libfmt9, libicu72, libldap-2.5-0, libssl3, libthrift-0.17.0, vim-common, liblvm2cmd2.03, libip4tc2, libsystemd0, libfreetype6, libmount1, nfs-common, libevent-core-2.1-7, libnfsidmap1, librrd8, binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu, libgprofng0, udisks2, file, bzip2, genisoimage, libpipeline1, libnss-systemd, debianutils, libpopt0, libcrypt-openssl-bignum-perl, libssl3, libslirp0, logrotate, libapparmor1, libwbclient0, libnuma1, xfsprogs, libicu72, liburcu8, python3, python3.11, openssh-server, libssl3, libdbus-1-3, gnupg, gpg-wks-server, libkrb5support0, libsmbclient, libxml2, libicu72, fuse, xz-utils, libzstd1, util-linux, util-linux-extra, libbsd0, less, libdconf1, libxpm4, libfontconfig1, libgpgme11, psmisc, libasound2, systemd, libsystemd-shared, libudev1, gpg-agent, libcrypt-openssl-rsa-perl, libssl3, libgpg-error0, cstream, wget, liblocale-gettext-perl, fdisk, libappstream4, libxmlb2, libspice-server1, libssl3, libreadline8, python3-pycurl, gettext-base, libmaxminddb0, diffutils, strace, libpwquality-tools, libfdisk1, gdisk, librdkafka1, libssl3, libassuan0, python3-talloc, libpython3.11, cockpit, eject, packagekit, polkitd, attr, lsof, libgirepository-1.0-1, libffi8, libcap2, libfuse3-3, python3-cephfs, lvm2, libc6, locales, dnsmasq-base, cockpit-ws, libpcap0.8, libpwquality1, libpangocairo-1.0-0, libcrypt-openssl-random-perl, libssl3, libcephfs2, libfmt9, libkrb5-3, libssl3, libpam-modules, glib-networking-services, libpcsclite1, man-db, libblockdev2, libcommon-sense-perl, gpgv, libtext-charwidth-perl, libuuid-perl, bash, traceroute, libgcrypt20, isc-dhcp-client, grep, iperf3, libfaketime, libstatgrab10, libipset13, libcap-ng0, vim-tiny, libgfchangelog0, usb-modeswitch, libjim0.81, libmbim-proxy, libctf0, bind9-dnsutils, network-manager, libasyncns0, libnss3, libfilesys-df-perl, rsyslog, libk5crypto3, haveged, libpangoft2-1.0-0, libqmi-utils, libblockdev-utils2, libpolkit-gobject-1-0, ncurses-base, gzip, keyutils, libtdb1, mdadm, python3-apt, dmsetup, libsndfile1, libflac12, libmp3lame0, libmpg123-0, login, libqb100, gnutls-bin, rpcbind, libcrypt-ssleay-perl, libssl3, libsqlite3-0, libevent-2.1-7, hostname, cockpit-packagekit, libjemalloc2, rsync, libssl3, pinentry-curses, libjson-c5, libopeniscsiusr, gpgsm, glusterfs-common, libssl3, liburcu8, libhtml-parser-perl, libterm-readline-gnu-perl, libxslt1.1, libunbound8, libradosstriper1, libfmt9, libdevmapper-event1.02.1, libcrypt-dev, libcryptsetup12, libssl3, libasound2-data, findutils, python3-ldb, libpython3.11, libip6tc2, libpcre2-8-0, libcrypt1, libgstreamer1.0-0, libavahi-common3, binutils-common, libpam-modules-bin, perl-openssl-defaults, libssl3, liblinux-inotify2-perl, init-system-helpers, usrmerge, libqmi-glib5, grub-efi-amd64-bin, grub2-common, cockpit-storaged, thin-provisioning-tools, libsemanage-common, smartmontools, python3-rbd, python3-rgw, smbclient, python3-protobuf, libprotobuf32, uidmap, libsubid4, procps, libproc2-0, libpython3-stdlib, libpython3.11-stdlib, libc-dev-bin, mount, libglib2.0-0, libffi8, whois, python3-yaml, perl-base, openssh-sftp-server, libpam0g, nano, btrfs-progs, grub-common, htop, bind9-libs, libssl3, liboath0, dconf-gsettings-backend, libdrm2, samba-libs, libicu72, libldap-2.5-0, sudo, libu2f-server0, libssl3, libc-bin, ipset, libc-devtools, libparted-fs-resize0, glusterfs-client, librabbitmq4, libssl3, libattr1, efibootmgr, libaudit1, libkmod2, libssl3, libclone-perl, ebtables, libyaml-libyaml-perl, bsd-mailx, nmap, libssl3, libc6-dev, rpcsvc-proto, parted, cpio, dirmngr, libldap-2.5-0, socat, libssl3, libksba8, cracklib-runtime, libharfbuzz0b, libtext-iconv-perl, libisns0, libssl3, criu, samba-common, cron, apt-utils, unzip, gnupg-utils, libblkid1, libgnutls30, curl, libslang2, libargon2-1, sysvinit-utils, logsave, libvirglrenderer1, libva-drm2, libva2, libvulkan1, libhttp-message-perl, libjson-xs-perl, gnupg-l10n, libdw1, librdmacm1, gpg-wks-client, libpci3, dconf-service, libgd3, libavif15, libheif1, libtiff6, libwebp7, libxml-parser-perl, libncursesw6, sqlite3, ncurses-bin, libbz2-1.0, libnozzle1, time, libx11-6, libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0, libanyevent-perl, python3-dbus, python3-ceph-argparse, libelf1, groff-base, libmd0, ncurses-term, libnet-dbus-perl, dash, libblockdev-crypto2, libnm0, libtirpc3, libtalloc2, dbus, libknet1, libssl3, libedit2, grub-pc, bsdutils, iproute2, libbpf1, libavahi-client3, gpgconf, glib-networking, libdevmapper1.02.1, libgnutls-dane0, libxml-libxml-perl, libfstrm0, libss2, libtirpc-dev, libnewt0.52, policykit-1, pkexec, polkitd, libgdbm6, binutils, libuv1, libpsl5, bsdextrautils, libstdc++6, gcc-12-base, libbabeltrace1, libncurses6, python3-systemd, postfix, libicu72, libssl3, libparted2, openssl, libssl3, e2fsprogs, passwd, libsemanage2, python3-rados, libapt-pkg-perl, nftables, libnspr4, libgcc-s1, gcc-12-base
Checking proxmox-ve package version..
PASS: proxmox-ve package has version >= 7.4-1
Checking running kernel version..
PASS: running kernel '5.15.108-1-pve' is considered suitable for upgrade.
SKIP: standalone node.
SKIP: no hyper-converged ceph setup detected!
PASS: storage 'books' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'data' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'downloads' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'local' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'multimedia' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'multimedia_ext1' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'multimedia_ext2' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'multimedia_ext4' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'multimedia_ext5' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'music' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'photo' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'proxmox' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'repository' enabled and active.
PASS: storage 'system' enabled and active.
INFO: Checking storage content type configuration..
PASS: no storage content problems found
PASS: no storage re-uses a directory for multiple content types.
INFO: Checking common daemon services..
PASS: systemd unit 'pveproxy.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: systemd unit 'pvedaemon.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: systemd unit 'pvescheduler.service' is in state 'active'
PASS: systemd unit 'pvestatd.service' is in state 'active'
INFO: Checking for supported & active NTP service..
PASS: Detected active time synchronisation unit 'chrony.service'
INFO: Checking for running guests..
PASS: no running guest detected.
INFO: Checking if the local node's hostname 'proxmox1' is resolvable..
INFO: Checking if resolved IP is configured on local node..
PASS: Resolved node IP '' configured and active on single interface.
INFO: Check node certificate's RSA key size
PASS: Certificate 'pve-root-ca.pem' passed Debian Busters (and newer) security level for TLS connections (4096 >= 2048)
PASS: Certificate 'pve-ssl.pem' passed Debian Busters (and newer) security level for TLS connections (2048 >= 2048)
INFO: Checking backup retention settings..
PASS: no backup retention problems found.
INFO: checking CIFS credential location..
PASS: no CIFS credentials at outdated location found.
INFO: Checking permission system changes..
INFO: Checking custom role IDs for clashes with new 'PVE' namespace..
PASS: no custom roles defined, so no clash with 'PVE' role ID namespace enforced in Proxmox VE 8
INFO: Checking if LXCFS is running with FUSE3 library, if already upgraded..
SKIP: not yet upgraded, no need to check the FUSE library version LXCFS uses
INFO: Checking node and guest description/note length..
PASS: All node config descriptions fit in the new limit of 64 KiB
PASS: All guest config descriptions fit in the new limit of 8 KiB
INFO: Checking container configs for deprecated lxc.cgroup entries
PASS: No legacy 'lxc.cgroup' keys found.
INFO: Checking if the suite for the Debian security repository is correct..
PASS: found no suite mismatch
INFO: Checking for existence of NVIDIA vGPU Manager..
PASS: No NVIDIA vGPU Service found.
INFO: Checking bootloader configuration...
SKIP: not yet upgraded, no need to check the presence of systemd-boot
SKIP: NOTE: Expensive checks, like CT cgroupv2 compat, not performed without '--full' parameter
ATTENTION: Please check the output for detailed information!