windows VM xensource/kvm nach proxmox migrieren


Active Member
Aug 6, 2019
Hallo zusammen,

bin neu hier und habe die Aufgabe sowohl die hyper-v als auch eine xensource Landschaft nach proxmox frisch aufgesetzt 6.0 testweise als (POC) zu konsolidieren.

Als quell vm's gibt es eine große Zahl debian vm's deren Migration keinerlei Probleme bereiten. Aber auch einige Windows 7/10 VM's.

Alle Windows VM's (type 1) die hyper-v als hypervisor haben lassen sich einfachst mit qm migrate übernehmen.

Bei den unter xen 4.8 XenSource laufenden Windows vm's die die GPLPV Treiber von uninvention installiert haben gibt es aber Probleme beim booten.

Ich habe bereits in der Quell VM die mergeide.reg Einträge gemacht dennoch bekomme ich nur einen Bluescreen und frage mich jetzt ob das an den GPLPV Treibern liegen kann und diese ggfs. zuerst deinstalliert werden müssen.

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar.


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Linux does have KVM/storage drivers integrated into the kernel, Winows doesn't.

Try this, maybe this works:

1. Shutdown healthy XEN-VM, take snapshot, boot XEN-VM
2. uninstall all Citrix/Xen SW from "uninstall programs" & apply xxx.reg to remove XEN/Citrix devices - don't reboot/shutdown yet
3. Install virtio drivers & shutdown VM (or you must do some research how to copy the drivers into the right Win directory, if virtioxxx.msi doesn't install correctly)
4. Convert & launch VM on Proxmox (virtio drivers should install on boot through PnP mechanisms)

Good luck (and sorry for my bad German)

Hallo zusammen,

bin neu hier und habe die Aufgabe sowohl die hyper-v als auch eine xensource Landschaft nach proxmox frisch aufgesetzt 6.0 testweise als (POC) zu konsolidieren.

Als quell vm's gibt es eine große Zahl debian vm's deren Migration keinerlei Probleme bereiten. Aber auch einige Windows 7/10 VM's.

Alle Windows VM's (type 1) die hyper-v als hypervisor haben lassen sich einfachst mit qm migrate übernehmen.

Bei den unter xen 4.8 XenSource laufenden Windows vm's die die GPLPV Treiber von uninvention installiert haben gibt es aber Probleme beim booten.

Ich habe bereits in der Quell VM die mergeide.reg Einträge gemacht dennoch bekomme ich nur einen Bluescreen und frage mich jetzt ob das an den GPLPV Treibern liegen kann und diese ggfs. zuerst deinstalliert werden müssen.

Bin für jede Hilfe dankbar.
Hi Mike,
thx for your fast reply. I tried to do the following:

1. backup of xen vm blockdevice
2. start xen vm
3. uninstall xen glpv software completely
4. applied mergeide.reg
6. installed qemu agent msi
6. copied the drivers from virtio.iso th C:\windows\system32\drivers (no plan how to install)
7. shutdown xen vm
8. copied lvm block device to proxmox host
9. started vm on proxmox host and bluescreen
10. startup repair without success.

What do you mean with:

- if virtioxxx.msi doesn't install correctly -

I did not find any msi execpt the one for quemu agent.

Any ideas or tips how to proceed

target vm config:

bootdisk: ide0
cores: 2
ide0: VMVG:vm-901-disk-0,size=52G
ide1: ISOPOOL:iso/virtio-win.iso,media=cdrom,size=363020K
ide2: none,media=cdrom
memory: 4096
net0: e1000=A2:69:E0:28:D7:18,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1
numa: 0
ostype: win7
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1: uuid=3b02ef5a-d61a-4b34-8a83-ca7d3496b706
sockets: 2
unused0: VMVG:vm-901-disk-1
vmgenid: 5757b9ee-c655-4289-9854-f20559ea0d43
Afaik, qemu-guest-agent for Win only contains some KVM/QEMU-to-VMGuest communication (get VM IP) and VSS "channels", but does not include the virtio drivers for storage, graphics, nic etc.

A good URL to follow is , but I think you already found that.

"What do you mean with: - if virtioxxx.msi doesn't install correctly -"

I meant there are ways to place the .sys .cab .inf driver files (extracted from the virtio ISO) to a special folder under Windows, so they are used by the PnP mechanism when Win recognizes new devices (at first boot under Proxmox in this case). But you'll have to do some research on this, as I haven't got the time to do it :)

Keep us updated on your progress...

Hi Mike,
thx for your fast reply. I tried to do the following:

1. backup of xen vm blockdevice
2. start xen vm
3. uninstall xen glpv software completely
4. applied mergeide.reg
6. installed qemu agent msi
6. copied the drivers from virtio.iso th C:\windows\system32\drivers (no plan how to install)
7. shutdown xen vm
8. copied lvm block device to proxmox host
9. started vm on proxmox host and bluescreen
10. startup repair without success.

What do you mean with:

- if virtioxxx.msi doesn't install correctly -

I did not find any msi execpt the one for quemu agent.

Any ideas or tips how to proceed

target vm config:

bootdisk: ide0
cores: 2
ide0: VMVG:vm-901-disk-0,size=52G
ide1: ISOPOOL:iso/virtio-win.iso,media=cdrom,size=363020K
ide2: none,media=cdrom
memory: 4096
net0: e1000=A2:69:E0:28:D7:18,bridge=vmbr0,firewall=1
numa: 0
ostype: win7
scsihw: virtio-scsi-pci
smbios1: uuid=3b02ef5a-d61a-4b34-8a83-ca7d3496b706
sockets: 2
unused0: VMVG:vm-901-disk-1
vmgenid: 5757b9ee-c655-4289-9854-f20559ea0d43
OK, so far no real progress,

In the running W7 32 Bit xen vm I installed the following drivers using pnputil:

pnputil -a netkvm.inf
pnputil -a vioser.inf
pnputil -a vioscsi.inf
pnputil -a viostor.inf
pnputil -a viorng.inf
pnputil -a qxl.inf

but no success same bluescreen...
I think I must stop the POC here, thx microsoft...
So proxmox will not be the target plattform for us.
Don't be to harsh on Proxmox, it may "simply" be a KVM thing :)

Is your VM a UEFI-one? If yes, afaik there's an option to enable (or disable, it depends) UEFI for VMs. Maybe this helps.

An idea would be to try to migrate this VM to a simple Debian host (even a desktop) with GUI (no Proxmox) with KVM/QEMU/virt-manager installed. The advantage would be you get as well a console in the Desktop Environment. If the exactly same migration efforts work on such a node, Proxmox might be the one to blame.

I know it's a hassle, I have knowlege of some engineering teams working months on finding the proper way of migration, so you're not alone, don't worry.

OK, so far no real progress,

In the running W7 32 Bit xen vm I installed the following drivers using pnputil:

pnputil -a netkvm.inf
pnputil -a vioser.inf
pnputil -a vioscsi.inf
pnputil -a viostor.inf
pnputil -a viorng.inf
pnputil -a qxl.inf

but no success same bluescreen...
I think I must stop the POC here, thx microsoft...
So proxmox will not be the target plattform for us.
OK, for all reading the thread and struggling with this issue too.

I found a straigth forward solution for me (maybe helps others too)


1. copy the full image to target system
2. configure the system with 2 additional cd/dvd drives
- windows installer image or other windows live system
- virtio driver iso
- bootorder cdrom ide
- image as ide drive
3. boot the system with windows installer dvd into rescue console
4. uninstall xenpv drivers with dism /Remove-driver
5. install kvm virtio drivers with dism /Add-Driver
6. reboot (all should be working now)

Details for 4 and 5:


list all drivers
dism /image:D:\ /Get-Drivers

search for xen in output and note the oem__.inf name

remove xen glpv drivers

dism /Image:D:\ /Remove-Driver /Driver:oem7.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Remove-Driver /Driver:oem6.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Remove-Driver /Driver:oem13.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Remove-Driver /Driver:oem11.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Remove-Driver /Driver:oem10.inf

add kvm virt drivers

dism /Image:D:\ /Add-Driver:F:\amd64\w10\vioscsi.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Add-Driver:F:\amd64\w10\viostor.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Add-Driver:F:\netkvm\amd64\w10\netkvm.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Add-Driver:F:\qemupciserial\amd64\w10\qemupciserial.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Add-Driver:F:\ballon\amd64\w10\balloon.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Add-Driver:F:\vioserial\amd64\w10\vioser.inf
dism /Image:D:\ /Add-Driver:F:\viorng\amd64\w10\viorng.inf
OK, for all reading the thread and struggling with this issue too.

I found a straigth forward solution for me (maybe helps others too)


1. copy the full image to target system
2. configure the system with 2 additional cd/dvd drives
- windows installer image or other windows live system
- virtio driver iso
- bootorder cdrom ide
- image as ide drive
3. boot the system with windows installer dvd into rescue console
4. uninstall xenpv drivers with dism /Remove-driver
5. install kvm virtio drivers with dism /Add-Driver
6. reboot (all should be working now)

Thanks for your follow-up, nice job @roadrunner_rad