Windows resolution issue


Mar 16, 2021
Hi All,

I'm running more than 100 vms with OVMF bios. The problem is related to resolution and cannot change from guest operating system. Its 800*600 and the same is not editable.

I tried out the below option from one windows vm and it's works fine. I mean I changed to seabios and also installed seabios driver from guest operating system.

Question- As I'm running proxmox 6.4.3,Can I get the correct editable resolution from windows os without changing the bios/driver update?

By default Proxmox uses a basic graphics driver for virtual machines. But this isn't very useful for running desktop operating systems as the range of resolutions and other display options is limited.

To get more flexibility, you should change your Proxmox VM to use the SPICE protocol. This will allow you a much larger selection of display resolutions, including 1366x768, up to a maximum of 2560x1600.

To do this, you should:

Install the SPICE Guest Tools Windows package in the VM. (Linux already includes these drivers; skip this step for Linux VMs.)
Shut down the VM.
Change the Graphic Card to SPICE in the Proxmox virtual machine configuration.
Start the VM.
Now you can connect to your VM's virtual console using the SPICE console link.