windows 11 vm - 10gbe - openspeedtest - very slow speed ^.^;


Apr 5, 2022
Hello, i have a 10gbe network,
MTU 9000 everywhere : router, proxmox bridge, VM network adapter, system network adapter inside vm,
in my Windows 11 VM i have very strange HTTP speed.

Screenshot :
- on the left : Windows 11 VM (NOK : very slow openspeedtest)
- on the right : Windows 11 computer in the lan (OK : full speed 10 gbe)

Both use openspeedtest hosted inside podman in a rocky linux VM.
Both Windows use High performance power profile (with balanced or power saver you don't have full 10gbe).
Proxmox 8.2.4, everything updated today and server restarted, virtio-win-0.1.262-2/virtio-win-0.1.262.iso, windows insider build 22635.4005 in_release

When i copy files between VM and Windows PC via shared folder, i can have 10gbe speeds : OK (see network graph while copying test file)
But when i do openspeedtest a have very slow speed on the Windows 11 vm (703 down, 127 up, ping 16ms !!! ) : NOT ok
Why ? How to debug this ?

In my proxmox setup, i passthrough an NVME to a truenas VM,
witch shares back to proxmox an NFS share,
then all other vm disks are stored inside the thuenas NFS share and run from there (including windows VM).

Because speed is OK when copying file, network config looks right (shared folder on the vm, then copy file between windows pc and windows vm on 10gbe).
Because openspeedtest between windows PC and rocky linux VM gives 10gbe speed, the rocky VM (hosting openspeedtest) config seems OK.
I did a speedtest to the internet with speedtest, the VM is even faster than the windows pc.
I tryed to do the test with other web browsers, same result, so this is not a browser issue.

Below you have screenshots of proxmox config : proxmox bridge, windows vm, rocky vm, truenas vm ...

Also i have zorin/mint VMs, and the same openspeedtest gives better result 4000 down, 2000 up ping 1ms.

Best regards :)



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Additionnal info, iprf3 10gbe test :
-download/install iperf3 on both machines (both must have 10gbe network card and 9000 MTU), go into iperf3 dir and run commands
-on the windows VM, start iperf3 server : .\iperf3.exe -s
-on the PC or linux start iprf3 test :
.\iperf3.exe -c -t10 -P 16 -R
.\iperf3.exe -c -t10 -P 16

-c IP : iperf3 server IP (where .\iperf3.exe -s command is running, in the example)
-t10 : send packets 10 times then stop
-P 16 : 16 simultaneous threads test because i gave 16 cores on the server VM (helps to saturate 10gbe speed, this is like copying 16 files at once)
-R : forward/reverse send/recieve from/to VM (gives up or down speed, launch one command with -R then one command without -R)

So we have 8 / 3.7 gbps iperf3 correct up/down speeds :) ,
and unfortunatly always slow OpenSpeedTest and HTTP : 800/160 mbps and 11ms LAN ping :(


Note :
There is a 1gb constant read on the screenshots. I investigated this.
After playing with options possibly related to 10gbe yesturday :
  • pve-docs/chapter-qm.html#qm_network_device
  • pve-docs/chapter-qm.html#qm_pci_viommu
(multiqueue, mtu, viommu virtio, aes, pdpe1gb ...) VM somehow freezed on windows boot (windows trying to auto-repare something message) with error (yellow triangle on the vm and small message something went wrong).
After restoring all modified options back and trying few vm reboots it always freezed with error.
Restoring backup with PBS did not help (in fact the VM was not broken), reebooting the entire server solved the vm freeze (something crashed inside proxmox server due to changing options in the vm).
After restart, this morning a had this constant 1gbe read speed on windows System process ntoskrnl.exe.
First i did not see witch files where read, because System process filtered in Process Monitor.
Found the ports used (with Sysinternals TCPView) : 445 > 56990 from windows to rocky linux where i have docker/podman homelab containers (my files and media are on the 20tb disk inside windows vm, the disk is chared back via CIFS to the rocky/podman homelab server where qbittorrent and other apps are).
Found heavy cpu load on qbittorrent, witch did non appreciate windows freeze and server reboot, and was rechecking all my downloads.

Other thing : my windows 11 vm always takes 3 minutes to start. This seems very long, don't know if this is network related or something else.
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