When set qemu's 'arg' option, the system will notice me "only root can set 'arg' config".
For some reason , I can not give user the root password, but the opertion user has the role 'Administrator'.
I tried to change the file '/usr/share/perl5/PVE/API2/Qemu.pm', and edit the code:
After this, the user can set the 'args' operation in the web.
So, why here check permission ?
If I change the code, will it cause some issues?
Is the user root in the web, is the real Linux user 'root'?
Also, the wiki https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_Cluster_file_system_(pmxcfs) confused me.
In my opinion the web processes run under user: www-data, but from above, it seems like the web processes run under user root?
For some reason , I can not give user the root password, but the opertion user has the role 'Administrator'.
I tried to change the file '/usr/share/perl5/PVE/API2/Qemu.pm', and edit the code:
$rpcenv->check_vm_perm($authuser, $vmid, $pool, ['VM.Config.Memory']);
# } elsif ($opt eq 'args' || $opt eq 'lock') {
# die "only root can set '$opt' config\n";
} elsif ($opt eq 'cpu' || $opt eq 'kvm' || $opt eq 'acpi' || $opt eq 'machine' ||
$opt eq 'vga' || $opt eq 'watchdog' || $opt eq 'tablet' || $opt eq 'smbios1') {
After this, the user can set the 'args' operation in the web.
So, why here check permission ?
If I change the code, will it cause some issues?
Is the user root in the web, is the real Linux user 'root'?
Also, the wiki https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Proxmox_Cluster_file_system_(pmxcfs) confused me.
All files/dirs are owned by user 'root' and have group 'www-data'. Only root has write permissions, but group 'www-data' can read most files. Files below the following paths:
In my opinion the web processes run under user: www-data, but from above, it seems like the web processes run under user root?