Whonix: How to set mountpoint to VM's disk


New Member
Feb 12, 2025
Dear all,
I am running PROXMOX 8.2.2 for a while with several VM and ist works very fine. It was possible for me to set up Whonix gateway and workstation and get it running. Now I discovered the following problem:

-I have several VMs and a zpool with several volumes used as mass storage.
-Whonix workstation is part of an isolated network and directly bond to the gateway. So there is no way to connect it via NFS or CIFS to the mass storage pool
-The only way I see to exchange data between the Whonix workstation and the mass storage is, to give a virtual disk attached to the workstation (in my case data-mine/vm-201-disk-1) a mountpoint. This volume was created and attached to the workstation an can be mounted by the workstation. Unfortunately I can not mount "data-mine/vm-201-disk-1" by the underlying proxmox system to share it to the local network or other VMs.

The command: zfs set mountpoint=/data-mine/Whonix data-mine/vm-201-disk-1
results in an error: cannot set property for 'data-mine/vm-201-disk-1': 'mountpoint' does not apply to datasets of this type

What can I do? Since data-mine/vm-201-disk-1 is a ZFS volume it should be able to be given a mountpoint?

I will be happy about every hint or workaround...