After software updates I always do check for services to require a restart:
I am totally unsure which of these commands will affect the currently running VMs. lists all of them. But what happens if I actually do "
Currently some man pages (e.g. only show the syntax and a description like this:
That is all. This could easily get enhanced with some more information: What does it do? What happens if I do a restart? Will it stop/start/cripple dependent services and/or running VMs?
Anyway - regarding PVE I am a happy home user. Thank you, Proxmox, for making this product freely available!
~# needrestart # take a look and then select CANCEL (or use "-b -l")
Restarting services...
Service restarts being deferred:
systemctl restart corosync.service
systemctl restart pve-firewall.service
systemctl restart pve-ha-crm.service
systemctl restart pve-ha-lrm.service
systemctl restart pvedaemon.service
systemctl restart pveproxy.service
systemctl restart pvestatd.service
I am totally unsure which of these commands will affect the currently running VMs. lists all of them. But what happens if I actually do "
systemctl restart pvexxx
"?Currently some man pages (e.g. only show the syntax and a description like this:
This is the Cluster Resource Manager Daemon.
That is all. This could easily get enhanced with some more information: What does it do? What happens if I do a restart? Will it stop/start/cripple dependent services and/or running VMs?
Anyway - regarding PVE I am a happy home user. Thank you, Proxmox, for making this product freely available!
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