Where is auto limit for backups in version 6.3?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2013

I see dev's create new "PBS" - Ok...
I see dev's delete checkbox "Max Backups" (hope it is not a bug) - OK......
I...at last....find and see "prune" groups in left tree. And WHAT ?

I have over 500 VM's on 1 node - now in version 6.3 i need manual delete backups ??? Realy ?

I really hope this is a development error or I am crooked and could not find this item.
Guys, if you are on purpose, this is the very first bell.

Prune settings can be set for any storage in PVE.

They replace "Max Backups", as you can do the same and more with them. If you just need "max backups" then just use "keep-last".
Thx man, but i read this already - no any useful information there. I don't see normal GUI manual, also i dont see any useful CLI commands to read current created backup jobs and statuses and etc. In GUI i see prune groups by VM, in this manual i see some global "MANUAL" settings w\o groups...and by VM. And ZERO information about how use this "thing".

Still need help.
There's all the information there, we cannot read and understand it for you, so please do not claim that there's no information just because you do not understand it.

If you saw that the max backup field (not checkbox) disappeared your surely also saw the new "Backup Retention" tab.

Still need help.
If you still need help it would be good to state what you actually want to do instead of complaining about where which information or fields are.