Vsphere to Proxmox 8 conversion - Dell R740


Active Member
Aug 22, 2012
North Texas
So, have a customer that's tired of the price increases from Vmware, and good to convert to Proxmox.
They have 2 Dell R740's with Vshpere 6.5 on them. Vsphere is installed in the DOM's and all the SSD's are allocated for storage.

I tested the conversion of one of the windows machine by downloading to my Proxmox lab servers, and it worked flawlessly.

I'm moving all the vm's over to 1 machine, so I can build Proxmox onto the other.

Anything to be aware of before going into this? I'm assuming I can't install Proxmox onto the Dom that Vsphere is on, and will have to
install onto one of the logical volumes.. then add another partition to use the rest.

Would appreciate any guidance/suggestions.

Anything to be aware of before going into this?
a lot. but all of it is specific to architecture and your specific environment so there's no way to someone outside to give you anything specific. you'll want to recreate the entirety of the infrastructure in proxmox if you want to have seamless migration.
I'm assuming I can't install Proxmox onto the Dom that Vsphere is on
Most likely true, but if the dom has sufficient write endurance its possible. ideally you want a redundant os so you'd probably want a more robust dual disk setup.
will have to
install onto one of the logical volumes.. then add another partition to use the rest.
Are you intending to use the onboard raid controller, or passthrough with ZFS? pros and cons for both ways. read up on https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Storage. however, you mentioned your initial setup was with two vsphere hypervisor so I'm assuming they were clustered- do you intend to use proxmox that was as well? if so, you will probably want to repurpose whatever shared storage you're using, and you will need a third node (or qdevice) for quorum. If thats the case, local storage will only be important for the transition.
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