VMWare --> Proxmox Booting, but not all the way


Renowned Member
Dec 29, 2015
I have a multi disk VM running RH7 that I'm attempting to move over from VMWare Fusion. I have migrated all the files over and converted them from ovf --> vmdk --> .raw files. It is two separate disks. I am able to get the VM to boot-up but am getting errors.

dracut-initqueue[283]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeout scripts

It gets through this aftet a couple minutes. Then I get this error:

A start job is running for dev-disk...0a1f.device (xxx/ no limit)

I'm assuming that it thinks it's missing a device of some kind? I'm not entirely sure how to troubleshoot this and haven't found much information on it. Any info would be helpful. I don't want to update the system at all as it is a dev VM and I'm attempting to keep it as-is. Thanks!
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I belive your problem is in /etc/fstab, not sure if the UUID of the partitions changed, if your able to boot the system run blkid in it and check /etc/fstab.

Past its /etc/fstab and output of "blkid" If you need future help.

Kind regards,

I belive your problem is in /etc/fstab, not sure if the UUID of the partitions changed, if your able to boot the system run blkid in it and check /etc/fstab.

Past its /etc/fstab and output of "blkid" If you need future help.

Kind regards,

Thanks for the quick reply! I am not able to boot into the system. Is it possible for me to use a livecd of some kind to edit this and check it out or fix it?


Ended up booting up via an ubuntu Live CD and here is the output of the fstab...all of the UUIDs are the same as listed here.


Any ideas?
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Your error message looks like its unable to mount boot, grub is able to boot the kernel but the kernel can't mount the rootfs.

I'm sure you have a backup, if not make one. Then mount the disks to to /target for example and also mount /boot and /var into it.

after that bind mount /proc, /sys, /dev, /run in it, then chroot into /target.

In the chroot run update-grub or something (sorry i'm not a redhat expert).
Looks like it's having a problem with the 0a1f disk which is the OS partition "/"

Not sure if that would help because I'm attempting to use a specific grub/kernel to boot with.

Maybe there is a way I can see the full error? I'm not entirely sure how to do that as it's cut-off wtih the KVM noVNC window.