VMs Network speed slowing down

Later 3 months with the issue i left the server. I gave it other opportunity to ovh and i rent another server in another datacenter.

I buy another OVH server (in Roubaix) in this case, and i move my current IPs (a /27 and a /28 subnet). And yes, working without issues, absolutely, at this time! And of course with the same IPs And i hope that this continues well.

It is clearly that is their issue, due "certain" routers in "certain" locations/routes are bad and/or overloaded and do nothing, simply.

Over this past 3 moths talking with OVH regarding issue, and sending all kind of logs and evidences, the always remit me reboot in rescue mode and test on my main IP, of course i can´ t set vmac for additional IPs on rescue and of course they don´t take care of this, since there are a virtualization "software" and they remit me again to rescue mode and test.

So it appears stupid, but i could think that they knows perfectly the issue, but they really not want upgrade their routers and/or infraestructure in this case, it is expensive.

I can not understand in any way case omise all of clients giving this results and evidences. And sure maybe hundred or thousands ovh customers with the issue, but they don´t make test, simply "works" and is enough for them.

I´m sorry for this words but i have to say.

Now, all apart of this, in the new server (more expensive) in Roubaix working like a charm since 4 days.

So resuming: another server and good luck!

Did you use Gravelines before?
Did you use Gravelines before?
I´m sorry for delay. Yes, my previous server was in Gravelines datacenter.

If you check my previous post in this threat you can see my tests and the faults. Like commented another people in this thread its happening "randomly" in almost ovh datacenters.
I´m sorry for delay. Yes, my previous server was in Gravelines datacenter.

If you check my previous post in this threat you can see my tests and the faults. Like commented another people in this thread its happening "randomly" in almost ovh datacenters.

OVH told me to perform the exact same tests as they did everyone else. I noped and found a new hosting provider instead of spending more time on them. They took 2 weeks to get back to me on this, so having to waste 2 weeks again for them to tell me that it looks fine on their end is not worth my time or money.
Exact same issue on SYS BHS2. Resolved by rebooting, restarting network interface or using the arping command mentioned a few replies ago.

Has anyone definitively heard back from OVH regarding this and/or have any kind of fix?
Again i have this issue but this time on THE MAIN SERVER IP!!! This is getting so tiresome it's ridiculous!!

This time doing an ARP ping does "fix" the download, but it does NOT solve the uplink that is below 20Mbit/s.

Maybe it's time to make some noise on Webhostingtalk and other places so they fix this damn issue!!
Again i have this issue but this time on THE MAIN SERVER IP!!! This is getting so tiresome it's ridiculous!!

This time doing an ARP ping does "fix" the download, but it does NOT solve the uplink that is below 20Mbit/s.

Maybe it's time to make some noise on Webhostingtalk and other places so they fix this damn issue!!

They initiated a fix even without me having to prove it this time (I did refer to the previous ticket) and they added a MAC address to the router and that fixed the issue.