No pb amlil
You're right, speedtest-cli return very ugly results... upload average of 300 Mb/s like you
I'm not personnaly really confident with this tool...
You know, i'm pragmatic, and for me the best BW test is a basic download/upload of file.
Here is results for simple wget command :
3.7 GB File (debian-8.5.0-amd64-DVD-1.iso) hosted on one LXC Container on the Proxmox host.
Client is a server (1 Gb/s Both ways)
Code:requ▒te HTTP transmise, en attente de la r▒ponse...200 OK Longueur: 3992977408 (3,7G) [application/x-iso9660-image] Sauvegarde en : ▒/dev/null▒ 100%[=================================================================================================================>] 3 992 977 408 107M/s ds 38s 2016-09-16 14:10:29 (100 MB/s) - ▒/dev/null▒ sauvegard▒ [3992977408/3992977408]
it is a concrete test !
in other way, iperf return this result (Same server/LXC container) :
So... what should we think about this ?
Hi @PhilV, i´m sorry for delay in answer. Yes, i can confirm that speedtest is not fiable in this case. I have done test like yours, downloading file from VM and really i can download about 100 Mb/s, this means 800 Mbps -for upload- that is great.
So at this time, all it seems working as expected, i hope you the same!

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