ok it looks like this:
as i said, smm has to be activated in the ovmf image
fedora does this, but provides a seperate image for this (OVMF_CODE.seboot.fd)
sadly this will not work with our qemu version currently, as we
disabled smm support because of stability issues [1]
even if we would have this, getting it to work is not so trivial as you need several additional
options for qemu [2] and it works only with q35
but you can go another route entirely, just use our old image [3] in the following way.
for each vm where you need this
set the vm to seabios (not OVMF)
copy the old OVMF image to a new place e.g. /tmp/ovmf-vm100.fd
do a
qm set <VMID> -args '-drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=/tmp/ovmf-vm100.fd'
now your old method should work again, and if you save the ovmf image for each vm
seperately and persistent, the settings should be saved
maybe migration/ha would work also, but you would have to copy the image to the exact
same location on each host (after you set your options), but warning, this is