I had exactly the same behaviour on different proxmox version. For me disabling the experimental zcopytx features solves the issue.I have the same problem. One VM keeps freezing the entire system. It seems I can log in via noVNC, but when I shutdown, it stops before killing the process. Stopping the process on Proxmox does not work either.
This is only on my home server: My CPU is an Intel i7-7700T on a GIGABYTE GA-Z270N-WIFI Mainboard with 16 GB DDR4-2400 RAM and Samsung Pro 256 GB SSD. Did not happen on PVE 5.4 before the upgrade. I already had no-cache active, not writeback. Did not help.
Create a file called vhost-net.conf in /etc/modprobe.d with the following content:
options vhost_net experimental_zcopytx=0
I took the solution from the redhat bugtracker: I am not allowed to post the link...but it is Bug 1494974
Best Chris