Very, very slow (~800 KB/s) download-connections from Proxmox-Server, upload is OK

Feb 27, 2020

I have a big problem with my download speed from my Proxmox-Server. The server has a quite good internet-connection in a data-center. The upload from my PC to the server is with the expected speed, but the download is very slow with approx. 800 KB/sec.

Running speedtest on the server shows the expected result:

root@pve:~# speedtest
Retrieving configuration...
Testing from (XX.XXX.XXX.XXX)...
Retrieving server list...
Selecting best server based on ping...
Hosted by Mobile Breitbandnetze GmbH (Freisbach) [52.73 km]: 5.776 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 276.63 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 264.27 Mbit/s

so there should be enough speed.

When uploading a 270 MB file to the server I got this (my local upload is just this slow, so it is expected):

joerg@flummi:~/tmp$ scp /home/joerg/tmp/testfile.bmp root@server:/root/testfile.bmp
testfile.bmp                                                              55%  145MB   3.6MB/s   00:32 ETA

... but downloading from the server I got this extremly slow connection (my local download should be as fast as approx 35 MB/sec):

joerg@flummi:~/tmp$ scp root@server:/root/testfile.bmp /home/joerg/temp/testfile.bmp
testfile.bmp                                                               3%   10MB [B]813.9KB/s [/B]  05:16 ETA

Running this from 2 other places with different providers I get the same low speed. I tried it with iperf3, scp, winscp, filezilla, http-download - every time with the same result. Running this test in a debian LXC and debian VM has the same result. Switching the firewall on and off has no effect.

The CPU is a Intel Xeon Silver 4208 CPU, and top/htop does not show any relevant cpu usage while transferring the file - and even if so, it should be not so slow.

The network configuration on the server is standard:

root@pve:~# cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

iface eno1 inet manual

iface eno2 inet manual

auto vmbr0
iface vmbr0 inet static
        bridge-ports eno1
        bridge-stp off
        bridge-fd 0

The network card is a 10G card:

67:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection X722 for 10GBASE-T (rev 09)
67:00.1 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Connection X722 for 10GBASE-T (rev 09)

Connection seems fine

root@pve:~# ethtool eno1
Settings for eno1:
        Supported ports: [ TP ]
        Supported link modes:   1000baseT/Full
        Supported pause frame use: Symmetric Receive-only
        Supports auto-negotiation: Yes
        Supported FEC modes: Not reported
        Advertised link modes:  1000baseT/Full
        Advertised pause frame use: No
        Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes
        Advertised FEC modes: Not reported
        Speed: 1000Mb/s
        Duplex: Full
        Auto-negotiation: on
        Port: Twisted Pair
        PHYAD: 0
        Transceiver: internal
        MDI-X: Unknown
        Supports Wake-on: g
        Wake-on: g
        Current message level: 0x00000007 (7)
                               drv probe link
        Link detected: yes

Any help or idea is welcome, if you need more information, please just tell me.
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Thanks for your reply.

I tried the iperf3 in both directions. Once with the -R option on my client (iperf3 -c IP-adress -R) and once with my PC as a server (iperf3 -s) and the remote server as a client - same result. 800 KB/s from remote to local vs. 3,5 MB from local to remote.

Something I didn't try until now:
With scp from the remote server to my Hidrive@Strato. The result is nearly the same: The transfer started with 2,5 MB/s and immediatly started reduzing for finally 1,2 MB/s. The other way round I get 40 MB/s downloading from Strato to my server.
Did you ask for support from the hosting company, maybe they know about a routing issue ...
Yes, I already asked the technican from the hosting company - and he told me, that there is no throttling at the firewall or any other problem. I will ask him again, especially for the possibility of a routing problem.

And I know it worked faster - please don't ask me when it started, it was some time ago and the server ran with Proxmox VE 6.x. Some other guy had to download the server-backups and it took him some time, until he noticed the slow transfer-rate. In the beginning I thought it was a temporary problem.

On the server nothing relevant changed between the normal speed and the lower speed, I only installed the offical updates from proxmox (enterprise repo). The update from Proxmox VE 6 to 7 didn't help.

Thanks again for your fast reply.
Try to check the interface statistics, maybe we see some errors on the interface:

ethtool -S eno1
Try to check the interface statistics, maybe we see some errors on the interface:

ethtool -S eno1

No errors as far as I can say.

root@pve:~# ethtool -S eno1
NIC statistics:
     rx_packets: 106676956
     tx_packets: 73964129
     rx_bytes: 14798422938
     tx_bytes: 37304589086
     rx_errors: 0
     tx_errors: 0
     rx_dropped: 0
     tx_dropped: 0
     collisions: 0
     rx_length_errors: 0
     rx_crc_errors: 0
     rx_unicast: 61677992
     tx_unicast: 73954477
     rx_multicast: 1131020
     tx_multicast: 9449
     rx_broadcast: 43867898
     tx_broadcast: 201
     rx_unknown_protocol: 0
     tx_linearize: 0
     tx_force_wb: 1
     tx_busy: 0
     rx_alloc_fail: 0
     rx_pg_alloc_fail: 0
     tx-0.packets: 8254475
     tx-0.bytes: 4748367472
     rx-0.packets: 4789593
     rx-0.bytes: 1164567167
     tx-1.packets: 8418460
     tx-1.bytes: 4677929228
     rx-1.packets: 5021036
     rx-1.bytes: 1268597629
     tx-2.packets: 8704809
     tx-2.bytes: 5070836005
     rx-2.packets: 4937932
     rx-2.bytes: 1179646565
     tx-3.packets: 8709278
     tx-3.bytes: 5100238438
     rx-3.packets: 4858934
     rx-3.bytes: 1086906179
     tx-4.packets: 8897104
     tx-4.bytes: 5302494844
     rx-4.packets: 4975891
     rx-4.bytes: 1181572833
     tx-5.packets: 8793563
     tx-5.bytes: 5241360169
     rx-5.packets: 4839915
     rx-5.bytes: 1054631126
     tx-6.packets: 2247034
     tx-6.bytes: 710272956
     rx-6.packets: 47070258
     rx-6.bytes: 3257871228
     tx-7.packets: 2154429
     tx-7.bytes: 661234326
     rx-7.packets: 3331660
     rx-7.bytes: 552711427
     tx-8.packets: 2110631
     tx-8.bytes: 609121626
     rx-8.packets: 3275909
     rx-8.bytes: 569805226
     tx-9.packets: 2512146
     tx-9.bytes: 744912588
     rx-9.packets: 3587128
     rx-9.bytes: 529758555
     tx-10.packets: 2161360
     tx-10.bytes: 708038277
     rx-10.packets: 3286922
     rx-10.bytes: 540077216
     tx-11.packets: 2295346
     tx-11.bytes: 937920803
     rx-11.packets: 3404097
     rx-11.bytes: 530754893
     tx-12.packets: 2348509
     tx-12.bytes: 765219584
     rx-12.packets: 3499830
     rx-12.bytes: 511826874
     tx-13.packets: 2099130
     tx-13.bytes: 639928651
     rx-13.packets: 3266373
     rx-13.bytes: 475366067
     tx-14.packets: 2192949
     tx-14.bytes: 785621433
     rx-14.packets: 3266406
     rx-14.bytes: 450196990
     tx-15.packets: 2064906
     tx-15.bytes: 601092686
     rx-15.packets: 3265072
     rx-15.bytes: 444132963
     veb.rx_bytes: 0
     veb.tx_bytes: 0
     veb.rx_unicast: 0
     veb.tx_unicast: 0
     veb.rx_multicast: 0
     veb.tx_multicast: 0
     veb.rx_broadcast: 0
     veb.tx_broadcast: 0
     veb.rx_discards: 0
     veb.tx_discards: 0
     veb.tx_errors: 0
     veb.rx_unknown_protocol: 0
     veb.tc_0_tx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_0_tx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_0_rx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_0_rx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_1_tx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_1_tx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_1_rx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_1_rx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_2_tx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_2_tx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_2_rx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_2_rx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_3_tx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_3_tx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_3_rx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_3_rx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_4_tx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_4_tx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_4_rx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_4_rx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_5_tx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_5_tx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_5_rx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_5_rx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_6_tx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_6_tx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_6_rx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_6_rx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_7_tx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_7_tx_bytes: 0
     veb.tc_7_rx_packets: 0
     veb.tc_7_rx_bytes: 0
     port.rx_bytes: 15173286416
     port.tx_bytes: 37670012174
     port.rx_unicast: 61678022
     port.tx_unicast: 73954477
     port.rx_multicast: 1131020
     port.tx_multicast: 69119
     port.rx_broadcast: 43719521
     port.tx_broadcast: 148789
     port.tx_errors: 0
     port.rx_dropped: 0
     port.tx_dropped_link_down: 0
     port.rx_crc_errors: 0
     port.illegal_bytes: 0
     port.mac_local_faults: 0
     port.mac_remote_faults: 0
     port.tx_timeout: 0
     port.rx_csum_bad: 49374
     port.rx_length_errors: 0
     port.link_xon_rx: 0
     port.link_xoff_rx: 0
     port.link_xon_tx: 0
     port.link_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_size_64: 49364504
     port.rx_size_127: 46701201
     port.rx_size_255: 3377831
     port.rx_size_511: 1906488
     port.rx_size_1023: 845235
     port.rx_size_1522: 4333304
     port.rx_size_big: 0
     port.tx_size_64: 1865831
     port.tx_size_127: 44904420
     port.tx_size_255: 3101583
     port.tx_size_511: 1378974
     port.tx_size_1023: 1691006
     port.tx_size_1522: 21230571
     port.tx_size_big: 0
     port.rx_undersize: 0
     port.rx_fragments: 0
     port.rx_oversize: 0
     port.rx_jabber: 0
     port.VF_admin_queue_requests: 0
     port.arq_overflows: 0
     port.tx_hwtstamp_timeouts: 0
     port.rx_hwtstamp_cleared: 0
     port.tx_hwtstamp_skipped: 0
     port.fdir_flush_cnt: 257
     port.fdir_atr_match: 45473515
     port.fdir_atr_tunnel_match: 0
     port.fdir_atr_status: 1
     port.fdir_sb_match: 0
     port.fdir_sb_status: 1
     port.tx_lpi_status: 0
     port.rx_lpi_status: 0
     port.tx_lpi_count: 0
     port.rx_lpi_count: 0
     port.tx_priority_0_xon_tx: 0
     port.tx_priority_0_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_priority_0_xon_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_0_xoff_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_0_xon_2_xoff: 0
     port.tx_priority_1_xon_tx: 0
     port.tx_priority_1_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_priority_1_xon_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_1_xoff_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_1_xon_2_xoff: 0
     port.tx_priority_2_xon_tx: 0
     port.tx_priority_2_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_priority_2_xon_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_2_xoff_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_2_xon_2_xoff: 0
     port.tx_priority_3_xon_tx: 0
     port.tx_priority_3_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_priority_3_xon_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_3_xoff_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_3_xon_2_xoff: 0
     port.tx_priority_4_xon_tx: 0
     port.tx_priority_4_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_priority_4_xon_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_4_xoff_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_4_xon_2_xoff: 0
     port.tx_priority_5_xon_tx: 0
     port.tx_priority_5_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_priority_5_xon_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_5_xoff_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_5_xon_2_xoff: 0
     port.tx_priority_6_xon_tx: 0
     port.tx_priority_6_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_priority_6_xon_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_6_xoff_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_6_xon_2_xoff: 0
     port.tx_priority_7_xon_tx: 0
     port.tx_priority_7_xoff_tx: 0
     port.rx_priority_7_xon_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_7_xoff_rx: 0
     port.rx_priority_7_xon_2_xoff: 0
Yeah that looks pretty error free.

Did you check how much traffic there is on the interface? You can also try to capture some packets with tcpdump (tcpdump -i eno1 -w capture.pcap) and look at it in Wireshark it highlights bad things in red or black (see "view/Coloring rules" in wireshark what exactly gets what color).
There is not much traffic - the LXC container is hosting a ISP-Config setting with approx. 20-30 customers. A little bit http-traffic and a little bit mail-traffic.

Your Wireshark-idea I am working on.
So, it's the first time I used Wireshark, so myy analysis is not so professional:

I did a iperf3 test in both directions while capturing with tcpdump-command.

Together with the daily traffic it captured 229.342 pakets in total.

Totally 4.488 are marked with black (Info: DUP ACK, Fast Retransmission, Out-Of-Order or Retransmission) and perhaps 200 pakets are red (mainly a [RST] paket for a SSH connection) - 98 out of 16.000 pakets were in the iperf3-transfer to my local pc. I think, this ratio doesn't sound bad, or am I wrong?
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Does the hoster maybe throttled your download speed because you only got a limited monthly quota and you exceeded that by downloading the backups? I often see such things when looking at hoster products.
Does the hoster maybe throttle your download speed because you only got a limited monthly quota and you exceeded that by downloading the backups?
No, I already asked him. He said definitiv no throttling.

I asked him again, to have a look after possible routing problems, but I have no answer till now - think it will take a little more time.
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This is an overview during an scp-upload using iptraf-ng:

 iptraf-ng 1.2.1
┌ Iface ────────────────── Total ────────── IPv4 ───────── IPv6 ───────── NonIP ────── BadIP ─────────── Activity ────────────┐
│ eno1                     45724           45524            200               0            0          15373.73 kbps           │
│ fwbr101i0                   10              10              0               0            0              0.00 kbps           │
│ fwbr102i0                   10              10              0               0            0              0.00 kbps           │
│ fwln101i0                22033           21833            200               0            0          10530.37 kbps           │
│ fwln102i0                   23              23              0               0            0              0.06 kbps           │
│ fwpr101p0                22033           21833            200               0            0          10490.74 kbps           │
│ fwpr102p0                   23              23              0               0            0              0.06 kbps           │
│ lo                         230             230              0               0            0              8.34 kbps           │
│ tap101i0                 22034           21834            200               0            0          10530.37 kbps           │
│ tap102i0                     0               0              0               0            0              0.00 kbps           │
│ veth100i0                 3890            3890              0               0            0            104.83 kbps           │
│ vmbr0                    19806           19806              0               0            0           4757.40 kbps           │

while running a speedtest (doesn't matter if running from the pve, a Linux VM or a Windows 10 VM (I now have the credentials, so I can test it there too)) it shows a completely different picture:

 iptraf-ng 1.2.1
┌ Iface ────────────────── Total ────────── IPv4 ───────── IPv6 ───────── NonIP ────── BadIP ─────────── Activity ────────────┐
│ eno1                    306700          306055            645               0            0         729705.12 kbps           │
│ fwbr101i0                  232              51            181               0            0              0.53 kbps           │
│ fwbr102i0                  232              51            181               0            0              0.53 kbps           │
│ fwln101i0               181497          180852            645               0            0         724782.66 kbps           │
│ fwln102i0                  295             114            181               0            0              0.59 kbps           │
│ fwpr101p0               181498          180853            645               0            0         724782.16 kbps           │
│ fwpr102p0                  295             114            181               0            0              0.59 kbps           │
│ lo                        1178            1178              0               0            0             15.90 kbps           │
│ tap101i0                181452          180807            645               0            0         724782.66 kbps           │
│ tap102i0                   181               0            181               0            0              0.00 kbps           │
│ veth100i0                22377           22196            181               0            0             67.92 kbps           │
│ vmbr0                   103201          103020            181               0            0           4838.35 kbps           │

So, if I am right, a hardware defect is not plausible, are there any other things beside a routing problem, that could lead to such a problem???
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Two more things:
* Is this a dedicated server or some sort of VM?
* when you say "Switching the firewall on and off has no effect." you mean: you turned the FW off, tested the speed and turned it back on again?
Two more things:
* Is this a dedicated server or some sort of VM?
* when you say "Switching the firewall on and off has no effect." you mean: you turned the FW off, tested the speed and turned it back on again?

* Yes ,it is a dedicated server:


(the uptime should not be the problem, since the problem exists for months)

* I did run the tests, then I did a "pve stop firewall" an run the test with the same result, and then a "pve start firewall" - again with the same result. I don't have special rules in the firewall, I just blocked the incoming ssh-port 22 for all except my home ip-address and some more. And this would be a "it works or doesn't".
I did the tests between the server and my home and an other place, where I have an accessible linux machine with the same result. I didn't know, that there are public servers. I had a look a your link, most of them gave me an

iperf3: error - unable to send control message: Bad file descriptor

But with one it worked - and gave me the following results. Once in sending from my server to iperf3, once the other way round.

root@pve:~# iperf3 -p 5002 -c
Connecting to host, port 5002
[  5] local port 43400 connected to port 5002
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr  Cwnd
[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec  2.01 MBytes  16.8 Mbits/sec   10   24.0 KBytes      
[  5]   1.00-2.00   sec  1.49 MBytes  12.5 Mbits/sec   11   14.1 KBytes      
[  5]   2.00-3.00   sec  1.37 MBytes  11.5 Mbits/sec   10   17.0 KBytes      
[  5]   3.00-4.00   sec  1.86 MBytes  15.6 Mbits/sec    7   21.2 KBytes      
[  5]   4.00-5.00   sec  1.86 MBytes  15.6 Mbits/sec    8   19.8 KBytes      
[  5]   5.00-6.00   sec  1.99 MBytes  16.7 Mbits/sec    6   22.6 KBytes      
[  5]   6.00-7.00   sec  1.49 MBytes  12.5 Mbits/sec   10   11.3 KBytes      
[  5]   7.00-8.00   sec  1.24 MBytes  10.4 Mbits/sec    9   17.0 KBytes      
[  5]   8.00-9.00   sec  1.62 MBytes  13.6 Mbits/sec    9   21.2 KBytes      
[  5]   9.00-10.00  sec  1.74 MBytes  14.6 Mbits/sec    9   11.3 KBytes      
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr
[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  16.7 MBytes  14.0 Mbits/sec   89             sender
[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  16.6 MBytes  13.9 Mbits/sec                  receiver

iperf Done.
root@pve:~# iperf3 -R -p 5002 -c
Connecting to host, port 5002
Reverse mode, remote host is sending
[  5] local port 43404 connected to port 5002
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate
[  5]   0.00-1.00   sec   106 MBytes   889 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   1.00-2.00   sec   112 MBytes   941 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   2.00-3.00   sec   112 MBytes   941 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   3.00-4.00   sec   112 MBytes   941 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   4.00-5.00   sec   112 MBytes   941 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   5.00-6.00   sec   112 MBytes   941 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   6.00-7.00   sec   112 MBytes   941 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   7.00-8.00   sec   112 MBytes   942 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   8.00-9.00   sec   112 MBytes   941 Mbits/sec                
[  5]   9.00-10.00  sec   112 MBytes   942 Mbits/sec                
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ ID] Interval           Transfer     Bitrate         Retr
[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  1.09 GBytes   939 Mbits/sec    2             sender
[  5]   0.00-10.00  sec  1.09 GBytes   936 Mbits/sec                  receiver

The upload from the server is approx. the double of the rate to my home (I tested it again for my home - again approx. 800 KB/s) - but still miles away from the real download and possible upload speed.
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