Very slow performance while iterating backups


Dec 2, 2020
we have some proxmox backup servers version 2.2.x with mixed discs:
  • system discs with SSD/NVME
  • data discs with sata 16tb drives.
if i try to restore a bigger vm, i always get timeouts from the backup server while searching for the latest backups.
Every first try always ends in a timeout no matter wether using the GUI or the CLI.
pvesm list pmb-04 -vmid 20110
proxmox-backup-client failed: Error: http request timed out

The second try works out fine returning a valid result.

root@p21:~/bin # time pvesm list pmb-04 -vmid 20110
real 1m43.270s
user 0m0.709s
sys 0m0.115s

Verify jobs last many hours up to 1.5 days.

I would like to move the content from datastore/vm to the systemdiscs as these have no load.
The volume is not so big and i think it could increase the performance for restore and verify jobs.

Maybe the usage of a database with some indices for the index informations can optimze this search and increase the performance ?

This backup server has:
  • AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
  • 128gb ram
  • 2x 1tb nvme
  • 10x16tb sata discs
  • backup volume used: 20tb
i know the best approach would have been using NVMEs or at least SSDs for performance reasons, but my provider has no server with that huge storage as SSD / NVME.

  • Any hints on how to reorganize the volumes and disks to reach performance while iterating backups ?
  • Any hints on how to speed up verify jobs ?

Thanks in advance,
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