Verify State error "old" in Yellow - what to do?


Active Member
Jun 22, 2017
I have PBS installed in a VM, it's been running great for a couple of months now. I pruned some old backups of vm/102 that were corrupt, and now when I look at my datastore, most of the groups have Verify State with a Yellow "All OK (old)" indicated. See screenshot below.

I have tried manually starting the Verify job, but it just runs and says "Success" but the column stays yellow.

How do I address this warning please? Is there a way to kick off a "full" re-verification, either thru GUI or CLI? Thank you


This is how my Verify job looks:
If you uncheck the mentioned checkbox, this will re-verify all the snapshots, which can cause a lot of IO load. So you would probably want to keep this checked. The yellow check mark only indicates that some of the snapshots of the backup group are verified, but the last verification has been longer in the past than the cutoff you configured. These will be re-verified by the next scheduled verification job.
Thank you, I unchecked it and the re-verification is in progress for over an hour, but the yellow checks are turning green :)
Everything is green again, thank you

I still wonder how the condition happened in the first place. Maybe somehow the PBS was shut down at the scheduled time of the Full Verify task? But, wouldn't it run automatically the next day if it missed that window? Just trying to understand the flow that could lead to this.
Everything is green again, thank you

I still wonder how the condition happened in the first place. Maybe somehow the PBS was shut down at the scheduled time of the Full Verify task? But, wouldn't it run automatically the next day if it missed that window? Just trying to understand the flow that could lead to this.
The yellow check mark indicates that the last verification was above the cutoff time, it even tells you the date and time of the last verification if you hover the check mark for the individual snapshot (not the one for the group).
Why it was not verified in your case I cannot tell, you should check your verify task logs. That should give more information on what snapshots were skipped and what snapshots verified by the corresponding tasks.