VDI with Proxmox = bad idea?


Renowned Member
Mar 6, 2014
Cottbus, Germany
Hello Guys,

i have build a system for doing remote support to customers. It is like an VDI but not with an single desktop per user. Every customer has his own guest. As guest operating system i use Linux Mint and Windows 10. Linux Mint for the most and windows 10 as fallback for customers who have a special soft vpn client oder remotedesktop solution not working with Linux Mint. My support team can connect to the customer guest and establish the connection to the customer from this guest system. So there is a completly configured virtual machine for each customer case.

My problem is that the spice console is frequently not working well. For example there are many problems with clipboard sync. Sometimes it just not work. I need to close the spice window and reopen ist. Sometimes i can't input some special characters. For example the | or @. It just does not work. I have to close the spice window and reopen it.
Very often the automatic resolution adjustment does not work. Normally the resolution of the guest system is always set to fit the dimensions of the spice window. So nothing will be scaled and it looks very good on every screen size. But sometimes i lost this functionality. Then the guest has a fixed resolution and the guest desktop will be scaled (like nagive zoom) to the spice window size. The problems with resolution appear mostly on windows 10 but also sometimes on few Linux Mint machines.

This drives the users crazy and me also. I have installed latest spice-vdagent and qxl drivers. But in fact it is just not the user expirience as expected.

Does anyone have an idea what i'm doing wrong? Or is in my case proxmox just not the best solution? Does anyone get the same expirience?

SPICE is not very stable under Proxmox. It is recommended to use the RDP protocol.

Deskpool is a VDI system support Proxmox. Both RDP and SPICE is supported on Deskpool.
SPICE is not very stable under Proxmox. It is recommended to use the RDP protocol.

Deskpool is a VDI system support Proxmox. Both RDP and SPICE is supported on Deskpool.

what is deskpools incentive? Deskpool is free? I don't understand there business model.