V2V Proxmox 7.3 to VMware 6.0 6.5, 6.7


New Member
Oct 10, 2023
Hello everyone! I have a question a client wants to make a V2V.

It has some virtual environments VMware ESXI 6.0, 6.5 and 6.7.

The reason for my consultation is to know if there is any document that endorses this V2V?

I was reviewing Proxmox documentation and says that versions prior to 6.0 are not supported in proxmox, just find this:


"Install vmware's ovftool on your proxmox sees host. Ovftool version 4.4 has been reported to work with the following verse of exi: 6.5 and 6.7. Others (for Example, 6.0) Might Crash with an anhelpful messages error"

Now also for virtual hardware of Esxi, will there be any subject?

Greetings!! And thanks for the support.
Hello @Torrazka
I migrated from ESXi 6.7 to PVE 6 some years ago and written down my steps here --> https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Migration_of_servers_to_Proxmox_VE#Server_self-migration

From my point of view your task can be done without any issues.
Hello! Thanks for the data, but it does not clarify my doubt, there are vmware ESXI 6.0, 6.5 and 6.7. My Doubt is:

Proxmox does not admit 6.0 or previous versions and I upload version at 6.5 and I upload the virtual hardware of virtual machines in VMware, could migration be done to Proxmox 7.3?

Regards !! :D
I don't get why people don't try but ask first ... where is the scientific curiosity? stay foolish stay hungry
Here the problem is that the client does not want proof and error wants something sustained with documentation. Thank you for your support if that is your way of contributing to the community the best would be that you will be silent.
Here the problem is that the client does not want proof and error wants something sustained with documentation.
You get the exact documentation when you do the migration, hence you do a migration test. I've migrated thousands of machines and the documentation that is always what you already pointed out. Everything else "depends", as is it is always in everything and mostly in IT. You ask about specific migration matrices for a software that is constantly evolving, so that there is NO fixed crossproduct of your desired "versions". That is what you have to learn ... I'm sorry but that is just what it is. It's with every software I worked with. You, as the person who has to work with, needs to know all the quirks and how to fix it. You only find it out by doing the work. There is no magic "i run this and it works" software that does V2V. Most of the time it is just straight forward and will work as expected, yet there are instances in which it just does not work. That's what you need to understand and that is what I wanted to point out. Try out for yourself. IT is too complex if such simple "does this work" answer, because "it depends".

You have not even stated the OSes involved, so I just give some samples: migrating Linux is seldomly a problem, but it can. Windows is harder especially with activation keys and if you need older OSes. Switching controllers is another matter, not every VM settings can be translated to PVE (or any other hypervisor). All these problems does not even involve what you asked and the crossproduct is already huge.