USB over Ethernet software doesn't work on Proxmox VE


Renowned Member
Nov 19, 2012
Hello, Community

There is a nice peace of software to use USB devices remotely - VirtualHere. Quite powerful, fast and simple.
It work perfectly well (the client part) on bare metal, XEN, VirtualBox and VmWare but not on Proxmox VE

I wrote to support and got the follwing reply:
VirtualHere works well on vmware, xen, virtualbox etc based vms when running as a client. The VirtualHere server can also run fine inside a server vm.
I havent tried on proxmox, so i tried just then and it just sat there when i tried to load a disk.
I think that proxmox is not implementing the bios correctly in their KVM module in linux or something like that.
VirtualHere doesn't use any special routines other than what is already in standard windows. so i think that KVM has the bug

I tried both kernel 2.6 and 3.10 - no difference.
Clients: Windows 7 x86/x64, 2008 R2, 2012 R2

May be somebody has any ideas on how to tune KVM or debug what is going wrong?

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The same story with another similar software "USB Redirector". Seems the problem is on PVE side indeed.
The same story with another similar software "USB Redirector". Seems the problem is on PVE side indeed.

USB Redirector work without trouble for me (since around two years).

I have a small box (with via-cpu) which provide some dongles to different VMs... work without trouble.
My first try was an rasberry pi as server, which don't run stable enough (issues every X days).

I think that proxmox is not implementing the bios correctly in their KVM module in linux or something like that.

As we use SeaBIOS and Qemu/KVM both well tested with all major systems, thats very very unlikely and seems like a wild guess/blame.
I wonder, that when the use only windows standard routines what the BIOS has to do with it?

Tested it with running the server on Proxmox, and the client on a Linux VM in proxmox, works like a charm.
Will test also windows when there's time and report back to that.
Tested it with Windows, worked out of the box, like a charm. Was Windows 10 though, but i don't think there's a difference to 7 with those things.


Worked even so good that i almost lost my mouse to the VM :D
So definitely not a Proxmox VE bug or there like.
Hi, Tomas

Thank you for your reply!
In my case I also can see all the shared devices in client and even new hardware is detected but when I try to access the date on that USB device (no matter usb security dongle or just usb storage) it stocks

Which qemu version are you using now?

In my case it's 2.2.1 (from 3.4)

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Hmm your network isn't causing problems? Tried it another time with an usb storage a wrote a file and created a folder, works fine for me.


I tested it with the latest PVE 4 beta, qemu is 2.4.rc3.
But other user are using USB pass-through and things like that also on 3.4 without problems, so its a bit weird.
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Have you tried to unplug and plug back in the USB device you are trying to use in order to "wake it up" ?