I have installed the latest Proxmox via apt-get like so: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Install_Proxmox_VE_on_Debian_Jessie
Then I bought a subscription key and successfully entered it in the web gui.
1.) I'd like to be able to upgrade all the distribution packages via apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, but this fails: W: Failed to fetch https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/dists/jessie/pve-enterprise/binary-amd64/Packages HttpError401
2.) I expect some packages from the enterprise repository to be different from the "
jessie pve-no-subscription" repository I had to install with. How can I upgrade those?
I have installed the latest Proxmox via apt-get like so: https://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Install_Proxmox_VE_on_Debian_Jessie
Then I bought a subscription key and successfully entered it in the web gui.
1.) I'd like to be able to upgrade all the distribution packages via apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, but this fails: W: Failed to fetch https://enterprise.proxmox.com/debian/dists/jessie/pve-enterprise/binary-amd64/Packages HttpError401
2.) I expect some packages from the enterprise repository to be different from the "
jessie pve-no-subscription" repository I had to install with. How can I upgrade those?