upgrade to ProxMox v7.x


Mar 25, 2021
Hello people,
I plan to upgrade my pve servers, and I am looking for best solution.
As is suggested at documentation it is better to do clean install.
My setup is like this (pve 6.4-15 with latest updates):
2 SSD disks - zfs mirror - rpool - system and local pool for some VMs
2 HDD disks - zfs mirror - datapool - for VMs, ISOs, LXC templates and local backup
Now my question is:
If I do clean install at SSDs zfs pool (rpool) - remake pool at this disks (beforehand, I will backup VMs and files from this pool of course) and install pve, DO I HAVE to remake datapool also (backups is implied) after new install or i can add it to pve after install ?!?
You can import zfs data pool, no need to remake it.
In-place upgrade from 6 to 7 works also fine.
thank you for the quick and precise answer

My first plan is to do in-place upgrade but if it not success on stand alone server than i will do clean install at my claster servers.
How to import zfs data pool, from gui or from cli, what is the better way?
You can import zfs pool by executing zpool import <poolname> command. You may need to use -f flag, if you have not exported it before.
Then just add this pool to your proxmox storage config. You can do it either per GUI (Datacenter -> Storage -> Add -> ZFS) or by editing /etc/pve/storage.cfg (just copy zfs data pool section from your old storage config).
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Also don't forget to backup your hosts "/etc/pve" folder. Virtual disks on your imported VMLXC storage pools are useless if you don't got working VMs/LXCs because the required Config files stored in "/etc/pve/qemu-server" and "/etc/pve/lxc" are missing.