Hello there, I've been running a 2 nodes cluster (no HA) for the past 6 months, yesterday I decided that it's time to upgrade them because the new version was available, I did an upgrade on both nodes at the same time, one node updated perfectly the other one was still updating, in the meantime I rebooted the one that finished updating. What I then discovered was that the first node got stuck mid update which forced me to hard reboot the server, today after some struggle I managed to boot the machine but it still had 6 packages left to be installed, I did a full-upgrade and it's been stuck for a long time on the pve-ha-lrm.service any tips how can I push through this update? I have physical access to the server and I can access via SSH, unfortunately the login via the web GUI is not possible as it throws an error even though the password is correct, any help would be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.