I'm following the guide PVE 5 to 6 but i wanted to check that after i have stopped all the HA services and performed the corosync upgrade and then upgraded all the nodes other packages. Will my containers all still be running fine on the node i left them on ?
or will i need to reboot each of the nodes (then coming up on 6.x rather than 5.4) and move the containers and reboot the last node ?
I just want to minimizes down time and as you can't live migrate containers, any moves will cause down time.
thanks for any pointers.
or will i need to reboot each of the nodes (then coming up on 6.x rather than 5.4) and move the containers and reboot the last node ?
I just want to minimizes down time and as you can't live migrate containers, any moves will cause down time.
thanks for any pointers.