Updated Packages, Restarted, No Internet


New Member
Nov 10, 2023

I have had a Proxmox VE nodes running for months now without issues. Today I decided to update the packages (no-subscription repo) through the web interface and restart it. However, after doing so my node no longer connects to the internet. I did a lot of searching, and this seems to be a common issue when the /etc/network/interfaces file is misconfigured, but mine seems to be setup correctly.

Here is the output from ip a and cat /etc/network/interfaces:


Contents of /etc/resolv.conf:

search test

I tried adding auto enp0s31f6, setting enp0s31f6 static, setting both interfaces dhcp, setting enp0s31f6 static and dhcp and removing vmbr0, and connecting a USB Ethernet adapter and setting it as static. No matter what I try it will not connect to the local or outside network.

Also, the ifup and ifreload commands keep returning 'permission denied' even though I am root so I am rebooting the server every time I change something.

SOLVED: Most likely node got restarted while updating and some things got corrupt. We tried many things but running dpkg --configure -a after apt upgrade seemed to fix it.
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Reactions: kalwadi and hotnoob
thank you, this fixed my problem.
was an interupted update / upgrade.

ifreload permission denied, lead me here.