[SOLVED] Unexplained Storage Growth in Windows VM on ZFS.

"Unfortunately, the attempt did not work. The moment I change the virtual disk from virtio0 to scsi0, the server runs into a Blue Screen with 'inaccessible disk'.
yeah, the PCI/bus/etc. routing changes and that does mess up an already installed windows... should be doing it from the get go to install on SCSI virtio else you'll have that fun
I'm reaching out with an issue I've recently encountered regarding a Windows VM running on ZFS storage. I've noticed that this VM is progressively using more storage space. This became apparent particularly during my daily full backups, where I observed the VM's storage consumption increased by over 100 GB within ~8 weeks.

Interestingly, the VM itself doesn't show any increase in storage usage. In fact, I have deliberately deleted some data, yet both the backup volume and the ZFS store volume continue to grow. This phenomenon is baffling to me.

I read about the Discard option in the VM disk settings in the forum. I've implemented this setting and restarted both the VM and the host, but there has been no noticeable change.
zpool trim neither.

Other VMs do not show this phenomenon.
All VMs are stored on 4 nvme raidz1 storage.
The Windows Server is 2019.
- Used Space in VM is ~300GB
- Used Space in ZFS is ~700GB (Pictures)

I just saw the email about the successful backup of the VMs, and it's quite evident there. The backup size has increased by over 14GB within two days, but no one is working in the office, no jobs are running, and the internal consumption of the VM remains the same... I'm starting to get a bit worried.
Monosnap pve - Proxmox Virtual Environment 2023-12-22 00-42-21.png

This makes it sound like you might have some snapshots still hanging around of that disk/image.

please provide a `zfs list tank -t all | grep -i vm-200-disk-3` output, yes, it'll be long/etc. but would have the info to confirm/deny my suspicions

a) ALWAYS enable compression on the ZFS - at an absolute minimum the zle, but the lz4 is bloody fast enough in most cases...( unless you need more storage, then the zstd is the beterer and gzip the "more trusted" versions) ZFS does only do things zero'd as sparse when you've enable compression

b) the virtio blockdevice can't do TRIM.. yeah, it's a bug imho, but the consensus is the virtio-scsi driver does everything as fast as need be and has discard. but yeah, install it as the beginning, don't change it for a windows system (Linux systems are more forgiving and I've done it, but the Windows had always been a format c: reinstall)

c) to "emulate" trim, once You've enabled/ensured compression is enabed for the image disk, I've used the equivalent of DD if=/dev/zero of=c:/file/bigzero count=##### bs=1024k, where you substitute ##### with the size in megabytes free you need to "trim"/zero
Hi hvisage,

thanks for your answer.
There is no snapshot hanging around.

root@pve:~# echo . && zfs list  -t all | grep -i 'vm-200-disk'
tank/vm-200-disk-0                              533K  1.90T   533K  -
tank/vm-200-disk-2                             90.6K  1.90T  90.6K  -
tank/vm-200-disk-3                              687G  1.90T   687G  -

The thing is, I did not have this problem before, it is roundabout since 8 Weeks..
If you get a 1 back with the command fsutil behavior query DisableDeleteNotify, then set it to 0 with fsutil behavior set DisableDeleteNotify 0.

Then you could try defrag /o and/or optimize-Volume -DriveLetter C -ReTrim -Verbose.

You could then use sdelete.exe -z c: to see if it helps.
=> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sdelete

You could also try moving the image to another storage and then back to the correct one. During import, the image is usually optimized accordingly, which could result in it being reduced in size again. I think there is at least a very high chance that this will have happened and with the other optimizations you shouldn't find yourself in such a situation again.
fsutill is set to 0 from the beginning
defrag /L / is the retrim command, was executed 2 times.

I could move the vDisk to another storage, but the only space for this is my qnap smb storage.
I could do this offline, do you think that would be enough or at least ok?
Hi hvisage,

thanks for your answer.
There is no snapshot hanging around.

root@pve:~# echo . && zfs list  -t all | grep -i 'vm-200-disk'
tank/vm-200-disk-0                              533K  1.90T   533K  -
tank/vm-200-disk-2                             90.6K  1.90T  90.6K  -
tank/vm-200-disk-3                              687G  1.90T   687G  -

The thing is, I did not have this problem before, it is roundabout since 8 Weeks..
so no snapshots, which leaves the other possibility, that the disk layout might be a problem for some reason(s) perhaps related to ashift and volume settings.

output of zfs get all tank/vm-200-disk-3 and zpool get all tank ?
Thank you for taking the time, but I find it hard to believe. This was all set up by Proxmox itself through the installer, and I just believe that it chooses the best layout. I've been using it for so many years.


zfs get all tank/vm-200-disk-3
NAME                PROPERTY              VALUE                     SOURCE
tank/vm-200-disk-3  type                  volume                    -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  creation              Sat Dec  2 15:40 2023     -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  used                  687G                      -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  available             1.92T                     -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  referenced            687G                      -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  compressratio         1.13x                     -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  reservation           none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  volsize               1.51T                     local
tank/vm-200-disk-3  volblocksize          16K                       default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  checksum              on                        default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  compression           on                        inherited from tank
tank/vm-200-disk-3  readonly              off                       default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  createtxg             4995597                   -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  copies                1                         default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  refreservation        none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  guid                  11572191364924524656      -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  primarycache          all                       default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  secondarycache        all                       default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  usedbysnapshots       0B                        -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  usedbydataset         687G                      -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  usedbychildren        0B                        -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  usedbyrefreservation  0B                        -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  logbias               latency                   default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  objsetid              159                       -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  dedup                 off                       default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  mlslabel              none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  sync                  standard                  default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  refcompressratio      1.13x                     -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  written               687G                      -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  logicalused           746G                      -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  logicalreferenced     746G                      -
tank/vm-200-disk-3  volmode               default                   default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  snapshot_limit        none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  snapshot_count        none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  snapdev               hidden                    default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  context               none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  fscontext             none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  defcontext            none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  rootcontext           none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  redundant_metadata    all                       default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  encryption            off                       default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  keylocation           none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  keyformat             none                      default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  pbkdf2iters           0                         default
tank/vm-200-disk-3  snapshots_changed     Sun Dec 24 13:27:39 2023  -

tank  size                           5.45T                          -
tank  capacity                       44%                            -
tank  altroot                        -                              default
tank  health                         ONLINE                         -
tank  guid                           4489099193939180288            -
tank  version                        -                              default
tank  bootfs                         -                              default
tank  delegation                     on                             default
tank  autoreplace                    off                            default
tank  cachefile                      -                              default
tank  failmode                       wait                           default
tank  listsnapshots                  off                            default
tank  autoexpand                     off                            default
tank  dedupratio                     1.00x                          -
tank  free                           3.05T                          -
tank  allocated                      2.41T                          -
tank  readonly                       off                            -
tank  ashift                         12                             local
tank  comment                        -                              default
tank  expandsize                     -                              -
tank  freeing                        0                              -
tank  fragmentation                  16%                            -
tank  leaked                         0                              -
tank  multihost                      off                            default
tank  checkpoint                     -                              -
tank  load_guid                      5989190827490250731            -
tank  autotrim                       off                            default
tank  compatibility                  off                            default
tank  bcloneused                     0                              -
tank  bclonesaved                    0                              -
tank  bcloneratio                    1.00x                          -
tank  feature@async_destroy          enabled                        local
tank  feature@empty_bpobj            active                         local
tank  feature@lz4_compress           active                         local
tank  feature@multi_vdev_crash_dump  enabled                        local
tank  feature@spacemap_histogram     active                         local
tank  feature@enabled_txg            active                         local
tank  feature@hole_birth             active                         local
tank  feature@extensible_dataset     active                         local
tank  feature@embedded_data          active                         local
tank  feature@bookmarks              enabled                        local
tank  feature@filesystem_limits      enabled                        local
tank  feature@large_blocks           enabled                        local
tank  feature@large_dnode            enabled                        local
tank  feature@sha512                 enabled                        local
tank  feature@skein                  enabled                        local
tank  feature@edonr                  enabled                        local
tank  feature@userobj_accounting     active                         local
tank  feature@encryption             enabled                        local
tank  feature@project_quota          active                         local
tank  feature@device_removal         enabled                        local
tank  feature@obsolete_counts        enabled                        local
tank  feature@zpool_checkpoint       enabled                        local
tank  feature@spacemap_v2            active                         local
tank  feature@allocation_classes     enabled                        local
tank  feature@resilver_defer         enabled                        local
tank  feature@bookmark_v2            enabled                        local
tank  feature@redaction_bookmarks    enabled                        local
tank  feature@redacted_datasets      enabled                        local
tank  feature@bookmark_written       enabled                        local
tank  feature@log_spacemap           active                         local
tank  feature@livelist               enabled                        local
tank  feature@device_rebuild         enabled                        local
tank  feature@zstd_compress          enabled                        local
tank  feature@draid                  enabled                        local
tank  feature@zilsaxattr             disabled                       local
tank  feature@head_errlog            disabled                       local
tank  feature@blake3                 disabled                       local
tank  feature@block_cloning          disabled                       local
tank  feature@vdev_zaps_v2           disabled                       local
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fsutill is set to 0 from the beginning
defrag /L / is the retrim command, was executed 2 times.

I could move the vDisk to another storage, but the only space for this is my qnap smb storage.
I could do this offline, do you think that would be enough or at least ok?

the command that is actually the one I believe is *needed*:
You could then use sdelete.exe -z c: to see if it helps.
=> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sdelete

You could also try moving the image to another storage and then back to the correct one. During import, the image is usually optimized accordingly, which could result in it being reduced in size again. I think there is at least a very high chance that this will have happened and with the other optimizations you shouldn't find yourself in such a situation again.

reason: the writing of ZEROES, not just a TRIM command, as the values (especially the 1.13 compressratio) indicates that there are data in the "empty/deleted" portions of the VM's disk (like when you've done a defrag like above) and the in betweens (like the virtioblock) doesn't support TRIM commands

That said, also what is the blocksize you are using inside the Windows NTFS/etc? It should be >= 16k (The Volblocksize of the volume)
This was all set up by Proxmox itself through the installer,
known not to necessarily chose/use the best options for the underlying hardware, just the most common expected optimized values, so you need to know that yourself and check/tune accordingly. Especially newer SSD/NVMes you want ashift=13 (not 12 as in your case, good for 4k drives) else you have RMW latency on the storage you might not even know about
known not to necessarily chose/use the best options for the underlying hardware, just the most common expected optimized values, so you need to know that yourself and check/tune accordingly. Especially newer SSD/NVMes you want ashift=13 (not 12 as in your case, good for 4k drives) else you have RMW latency on the storage you might not even know about
hm. I didnt know that at all. Maybe I simply do a last backup , delete the pool, reinitiate it and restore my backup, what do you think?

Currently, I am moving the vDisk to another SSD storage and then back again.
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What I'd want to do in your situation (having had funs with virtioblock in the past without TRIM support, and having had to do similar):
Attach a virtio-scsi device (enabling SSD & TRIM/etc. on the device) to the windows VM, copy the files of the current windows drives, and swap the drives around.

moving the vdisk artound, will not help, as I suspect the problem is the data inside vdisk, not the zfs side at present (having eliminated the problems)

SO, as a 2nd prize "quicker win": sdelete -z c:
So where are we now:
I have performed all possible trim commands both in the virtual machine and on the ZFS pool, which led to no improvement.
I moved the vDisk to another storage and back again, but that didn't help either.
We can probably assume that there is no problem on the ZFS side.

I ran sdelete on volume C:, which took 1-2 hors.
For some reason, I aborted on drive D: after 4 hours without a change in the percentage display (0%),
I think I'll look for a window next week, maybe Friday evening to Sunday evening, hoping that it will go through.

If all this doesn't help, I might even have to plan to set up the server again, unfortunately, there is a lawyer software with an SQL database involved, and that probably also means a migration from the manufacturer's side, I would have to plan that more precisely.

I could consider installing Veeam Backup, creating a backup, and then retrieving it. Veeam only copys used Blocks.
But honestly, I don't know if that solves the problem in this particular case, because unreleased blocks (that's our theory) will probably also be retrieved from the backup, I'm not sure about that...yes, I could test this beforehand...
software with an SQL database involved
Consider shutting down all apps, like the SQL server, and retry the sdelete -z

Things like SQL could be the cause of lots of file writes which will "consume" storage if they aren't TRIM/zeroed
ok I will try this.

A question left.
The virtual Disk I assigned for my windows guest is 1550GB.
When I do an sdelete the free storage is written with zeros, so the space on my thin provisioned vm will grow up to 1550GB?
When/if you run ZFS with compression enabled, the zeroes are "compacted".. rather should be :D
known not to necessarily chose/use the best options for the underlying hardware, just the most common expected optimized values, so you need to know that yourself and check/tune accordingly. Especially newer SSD/NVMes you want ashift=13 (not 12 as in your case, good for 4k drives) else you have RMW latency on the storage you might not even know about
Since new information has emerged, I will no longer be exploring and testing additional options. We need to set up the Windows Server anew (separating SQL Server and File Server and upgrade from 2019 to 2022 anyway), and during this process, I'll create a new pool and reinstall the Windows VMs with your new insights.

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In the meantime, I've been experimenting a bit and stumbled upon a solution, or at least one solution.
I intended to clone the single large disk with various volumes into new, smaller virtual disks.
For preparation, I used Windows' defragmentation program.
I am aware that defragmentation isn't particularly useful on SSDs, but.....and while defragmenting each volume, I briefly noticed a 'trim volume...' operation.
Surprisingly, the virtual disk in the ZFS datastore has now shrunk from 770GB to just 270GB, resulting in significantly smaller backup sizes, too.
I just wanted to let you know...
Monosnap Monosnap pve - Proxmox Virtual Environment 2024-01-07 19-08-17.png 2024-01-07 19-14-29.png
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So, I've consolidated the old server and transferred the tasks to others. I've decommissioned the old server. The solution, however, was to defragment the disk and, for the future (as I've done now), to set up the vDisks properly. Bye.


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