uneable to access Proxmox GUI bus VM are online


New Member
Aug 26, 2024
Hi everyone.
I have a huge problem and i must access the GUI on my proxmox VE to access directly to a vm running on it.
the VM running fine and i can access it via my network (and ping).
But when i try to access GUI on [IP]:8006 nothing happend and the IP do not respond to PING (ssh neither).
I am really in distress with that.
I'm a beginner in networking so any help will be appreciated.
Thanks for your answer and your kindness
Do you have physical access to the server? If yes, could you login on the console and post the output of cat /etc/network/interfaces and ip a? Can you ping your router and other devices on the network from there? And what is the output of systemctl status pveproxy?
Hi and thanks for your answer. I've hide some sensible informations but IP are all on the same base. I've just show the different part of the IPs. I forgot, this machine is on DMZ.


  • ip a.jpg
    ip a.jpg
    636.2 KB · Views: 13
  • systemclt status cropped.png
    systemclt status cropped.png
    1,019.3 KB · Views: 12
  • cat interfaces.jpg
    cat interfaces.jpg
    392.1 KB · Views: 12
We still can't access to the GUI. Any help could be helpfull.
I precise that all the vm on the PRXMX are reachable online but not the GUI.

For resume:
[IP].1 is reachable and respond correctly
[IP].2:8006 (GUI url) is unreachable, not repond to ping and SSH
[IP].3 is reachable and respond correctly
Can you ping out from your Proxmox-server to your router, PC or google?
If you check the arp-table, if you look for your server-IP, is there only one and does it match the mac-address of the server (so starting with 18 and ending in 8b?
Ping do not respond
Ping itself respond

I run a $ ip neigh and the output was :

[IP].3 dev eno1 FAILED
[IP].1 dev eno1 FAILED
[IP].126 dev eno1 FAILED
[IP].5 dev eno1 FAILED
OK subject cleared ! That was a VLAN problem. the machine IP was'nt put on the right VLAN to be available.
Thank you for your answer ! It was a real support !