Unable to get windows to boot without bluescreen


New Member
Dec 9, 2021
Image is vhdx from fresh windows 10

I set up a vm with uefi, q35, virtio SCSI, an and a SCSI disk bus

use qm import # image Storage, and then add the disk to the vm

I can get the image to boot but it boots to a windows bluescreen in every configuration I have tried over the last day and half. Anyone got any ideas?
You cannot boot from VirtIO SCSI without drivers.

If you have no VirtIO driver in your windows, use IDE as bus type.
Thank you, switching the SCSI Controller to LSI 53C895A from VirtIO SCSI and the bus on the disk to IDE got it to boot
This is good, however most of it is for starting new windows instances within proxmox, I am looking to boot imported disk images. I guess I could install those driver packs before imaging the disks