Ubuntu Server 22.04 / speedtest dw 1.26Mbit - up 1.37Mbit


New Member
Apr 3, 2024
Hi Guys. How are you? I'm Tato, new here.

Few months ago started to learn about virtualization and virtual machines. My problem is that I have 3 VM working and this one, "Ubuntu Server 22.04" works slowly. I'm using for wordpress and I was thinking that the problem was with him but I started to do "speedtest-cli" in the console of Ubuntu Server and it always work between 1 or 2 Mbit/s download and upload (for internet conection).

The Windows 10 VM works fine with the speed but Ubuntu....

I have a i5 10400 4 cores assigned, 10GB RAM and it's working on an NVME. I set BIOS options (All that I know) enabled to improve but I can't make it went fast.

I'm trying to use another PCI-E gigabit ethernet but virtualizated works with the same speed as the first one and as a native PCI-E for the VM cannot use because it says something like "No IOMMU detected, please activate it.See Documentation for further information." and it is enabled.

I'm trying for weeks to find solutions here and via internet but I cannot do that.

If you know something about this or any help, will be great!!

Thanks so much for your time ^^

Please post the VM config of your Ubuntu, you can get the VM config using `qm config <VMID>`