The basic idea is to make sure that spamassasin auto-train based on the spam messages that users move in "Junk Folder" from e-mail client (eg. Zimbra).
The flow:
- each user populates his "Junk Folder" directly through the e-mail client
- the e-mail client or the e-mail server, forwards messages to the respective addresses spam / ham to PMG
- messages are parked on maildir format in /home/USER/Maildir/new
- PMG, every day, run the application /etc/cron.daily/caricaspamham that performs sa-learn with the '--no -sync' parameter and import messages from /home/USER/Maildir/new
- PMG, every hour, run the application /etc/cron.hourly/proxmox, which takes care of synchronizing the contents of the file with the db /root/.spamassassin/bayes_journal
How to continue:
- change the content of the file "/var/lib/proxmox/templates/main.cf.in" to manage postfix maildir instead of mailbox
# Modifiche apportate per gestire il formato maildir
home_mailbox = Maildir/
mailbox_command =
- apply changes
proxconfig -s
- reload postfix configuration
service postfix reload
- add a new user to manage spam and one to handle the ham
adduser sa-spam-7893ddfg44hyh --disabled-login --shell /bin/false
adduser sa-ham-34545ghf4r77jh --disabled-login --shell /bin/false
- create two folders in which you want to move the messages analyzed using sa-learn to remove them, using parameter --forget, in case you find behavior "strange" side dansguardian
mkdir /home/sa-spam-7893ddfg44hyh/analizzati
mkdir /home/sa-ham-34545ghf4r77jh/analizzati
- send a test email to ensure that they are created their folders and check the contents
echo "testo della mail" | mail -s "Soggetto Mail" sa-spam-7893ddfg44hyh@antispam.levico.locale
echo "testo della mail" | mail -s "Soggetto Mail" sa-ham-34545ghf4r77jh@antispam.levico.locale
How to check if the filter is applied correctly ?
sa-learn --dump magic
Contents of the file "/opt/localbin/sa-wrapper.pl"
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Time-stamp: <05 April 2004, 13:37 home>
# sa-wrapper.pl
# SpamAssassin sa-learn wrapper
# (c) Alexandre Jousset, 2004
# This script is GPL'd
# Thanks to: Chung-Kie Tung for the removal of the dir
# Adam Gent for bug report
# v1.2
use strict;
use MIME::Tools;
use MIME::parser;
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $UNPACK_DIR = '/tmp';
my $SA_LEARN = '/usr/bin/sa-learn';
my ($spamham) = @ARGV;
sub recurs
my $ent = shift;
if ($ent->head->mime_type eq 'message/rfc822') {
if ($DEBUG) {
unlink "/tmp/spam.log.$$" if -e "/tmp/spam.log.$$";
open(OUT, "|$SA_LEARN -D --$spamham --no-sync >>/tmp/spam.log.$$ 2>&1") or die "Cannot pipe $SA_LEARN: $!";
} else {
open(OUT, "|$SA_LEARN --$spamham --no-sync") or die "Cannot pipe $SA_LEARN: $!";
my @parts = $ent->parts;
if (@parts) {
map { recurs($_) } @parts;
if ($DEBUG) {
open(STDERR, ">/tmp/spam_err.log");
my $parser = new MIME::parser;
my $entity;
eval {
$entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN);
if ($@) {
die $@;
} else {
rmdir $parser->output_dir;
Contents of the file "/etc/cron.daily/caricaspamham"
# impostare il valore a 1 per rimuovere i file dopo che sa-learn ha analizzato i messaggi di posta elettronica
if ls ${FILESPAM}/Maildir/new/* >/dev/null 2>&1; then
for f in ${FILESPAM}/Maildir/new/*
echo "learning spam via ${f}...";
cat ${f} | ${WRAPPERFILE} spam
if [ "$SPOSTA_FILE" -eq 1 ]; then
mv ${f} ${FILESPAM}/analizzati
if ls ${FILEHAM}/Maildir/new/* >/dev/null 2>&1; then
for f in ${FILEHAM}/Maildir/new/*
echo "learning ham via ${f}...";
cat ${f} | ${WRAPPERFILE} ham
if [ "$SPOSTA_FILE" -eq 1 ]; then
mv ${f} ${FILEHAM}/analizzati
exit 0;