Tracking Center not in sync

\r is a line return I believe? I have gone ahead and deleted everything from the script and manually typed it out and it still references the same error.
head: invalid number of lines: ‘1\r’
I ran dos2unix on the file and the /r is now no longer in the file and the tracking center is now showing messages from all nodes!!! Thank you Sommer for all your help!
I am interested to put the script on Github. Others can access it and we can track changes and possible different option to use it.
Automated setup scripts is also possible by hosting it there.
I woke up with a better solution.
Instead of copying logs from one server to another, messing up the files, I created my "own" pmg-log-tracker.

First you need to rename /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker to something else, example pmg-log-tracker-default, on server Master and Node.

Then create /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker script
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverNODE /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

"$@" is to pass all arguments to script
-v -l 2000 -s 1531882800 -e 1531969200 -n -g -f
head -n -1 is to remove last line of first search results
STATUS: aborted by limit (too many hits)
sed '/^#/ d' is to remove the header parameters of second search results
# LogReader: 19220
# Query options
# Start: 2018-07-18 00:00:00 (1531872000)
# END: 2018-07-18 16:20:45 (1531930845)
# End Query Options
These filters are needed because PERL script that processes results failed with that unexpected characters.

Does it work for the latest version?
I woke up with a better solution.
Instead of copying logs from one server to another, messing up the files, I created my "own" pmg-log-tracker.

First you need to rename /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker to something else, example pmg-log-tracker-default, on server Master and Node.

Then create /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker script
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverNODE /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

"$@" is to pass all arguments to script
-v -l 2000 -s 1531882800 -e 1531969200 -n -g -f
head -n -1 is to remove last line of first search results
STATUS: aborted by limit (too many hits)
sed '/^#/ d' is to remove the header parameters of second search results
# LogReader: 19220
# Query options
# Start: 2018-07-18 00:00:00 (1531872000)
# END: 2018-07-18 16:20:45 (1531930845)
# End Query Options
These filters are needed because PERL script that processes results failed with that unexpected characters.

How does it work for 2 nodes?

/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverNODE -1 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE-2 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
How does it work for 2 nodes?

/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverNODE -1 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE-2 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
Many thanks for this solution, it works !

I just add parameters to ssh :
-o ConnectTimeout=2 -o ConnectionAttempts=1
it avoid latency in tracker if a node is down.
Hello, I've read this about 15 times but I just can't wrap my mind around the scripts.. I am testing three nodes in a cluster and I thought centralized tracking would have been part of it, but learned it wasn't.

Do I put a duplicate copy of the script on all servers, or the master only?? or modify each script to point to the other two?
I think i need to rename pmg-log-tracker to pmg-log-tracker-default on all systems.

the create the script on each node like:

master - (in /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker)
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverNODE_1 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_2 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

node_1 - (in /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker)
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverMASTER /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_2 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

node_2 - (in /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker)
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverMASTER /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_1 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

If I add an additional node later, I just add NODE_3 to each of the original, and on NODE_3
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverMASTER /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_1 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_2 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

is that correct?

To say i have just installed a 3 node cluster and added the script to do tracking across all nodes.
I had to run the below commands in an SSH session on each of the servers (connecting to each of the others) which prompted an SSH Thumbprint accept option in each of the sessions. Once I had done that it all worked without any problems. It wasn't showing me an error on the page before this, it just wouldn't work...

ssh root@serverMASTER /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default -l 1
Hello, I've read this about 15 times but I just can't wrap my mind around the scripts.. I am testing three nodes in a cluster and I thought centralized tracking would have been part of it, but learned it wasn't.

Do I put a duplicate copy of the script on all servers, or the master only?? or modify each script to point to the other two?
I think i need to rename pmg-log-tracker to pmg-log-tracker-default on all systems.

the create the script on each node like:

master - (in /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker)
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverNODE_1 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_2 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

node_1 - (in /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker)
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverMASTER /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_2 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

node_2 - (in /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker)
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverMASTER /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_1 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

If I add an additional node later, I just add NODE_3 to each of the original, and on NODE_3
/usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | head -n -1
ssh root@serverMASTER /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_1 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'
ssh root@serverNODE_2 /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker-default "$@" | sed '/^#/ d'

is that correct?

You add it to the originals. You don't need to include the SSH to its own server as the first line is its own server, so you only need to include the SSH lines to other servers in the cluster (host or node) just not iteslf.

edit: I have re-read your post, yes as you say at the end, add NODE3 to each of the others including host, but dont include the NODE3 line on the new server as that is covered by the first line of the file.
Hello, what about pmg 6.2-3 version?
i have checked that file
nano /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker

and didn't find any ssh code
what i have found is

^?ELF^B^A^A^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^C^@>^@^A^@^@^@��^@^@^@^@^@^@@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@��^O^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@@^@8^@^L^@@^@ ^@^_^@^F^@^@^@^D^@^@^@@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@�^B^@^@^@^@^@^@�^B^@^@^@^@^@^@^H^@$
Hello, what about pmg 6.2-3 version?
i have checked that file
nano /usr/bin/pmg-log-tracker

and didn't find any ssh code
what i have found is

^?ELF^B^A^A^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^C^@>^@^A^@^@^@��^@^@^@^@^@^@@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@��^O^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@@^@8^@^L^@@^@ ^@^_^@^F^@^@^@^D^@^@^@@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@�^B^@^@^@^@^@^@�^B^@^@^@^@^@^@^H^@$
You missed a step I believe. You need to rename the file

pmg-log-tracker to pmg-log-tracker-default
then make a file pmg-log-tracker with the SSH scripts in it.