Throw this SSD to thrashbin or leave it working?


Renowned Member
Mar 24, 2014
Hellou this is Samsung 850 PRO smarty table.

$ smartctl -a /dev/sdh | grep -E 'Wear_Leveling_Count'\|'LBAs'\|'Model'\|'Number'\|'Firmware'
Model Family: Samsung based SSDs
Device Model: Samsung SSD 850 PRO 128GB
Serial Number: S24ZNXAH21XXXXX
Firmware Version: EXM02B6Q
177 Wear_Leveling_Count 0x0013 002 002 000 Pre-fail Always - 5887
241 Total_LBAs_Written 0x0032 099 099 000 Old_age Always - 62578693422

I used calculator `` and put raw LBAs value (62578693422) in it. The result is: 29.14 TB.

I looked up in specs and find out that:
"Samsung's 3D V-NAND technology is built to handle 150 Tera Bytes Written (TBW) for 128GB"
So it's 1/5 part of its wareout.

So why the "Wear_Leveling_Count" is so low? How to interprate this? Are these parameters depends on each other or not?

Is this disc is junk right now or not? Does smartctl reads this values in good way?
I write down this in first post - 150TBW.

"It certainly is starting to get old, but if you're not seeing remapped/reallocated cells, it's not yet a problem. But drives are relatively inexpensive, so if you're concerned, trash it or use it for something less critical."

This is answer like "do it or not do it. Dude, this is IT - It's 1 or 0. Not 0.5.