I guess something in the `sshd_config` on the servers might be the culprit - It seems there were some modifications from the shipped defaults
(password-authentication is disabled in your config, but enabled in the default config)
* check `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` for differences from the defaults
* try to let sshd log at level DEBUG (or DEBUG2) and see why it refuses the key
* try with more verbosity (`ssh -vvv` vs. `ssh -v`)
I apologize it's taken so long to get back to this but I was able to dedicate some time yesterday to troubleshooting this but the issue still remains.
I decided to start fresh so I set both Proxmox1 and Proxmox2 to allow password login:
PasswordAuthentication yes. I then deleted everything in:
~/.ssh/, created new key pairs, copied the public keys to the appropriate box, made sure I was able to login using the key pairs and set:
PasswordAuthentication no and rebooted. One thing I did notice is that after a reboot Proxmox created both:
id_rsa.pub and
id_rsa key pairs in the ~/.ssh directory...which I found a bit odd and not sure why Proxmox did that?
However, here is what I discovered:
Proxmox1 can SSH to Proxmox2 and vice versa using the new SSH keypairs
Executing both:
/usr/bin/ssh -vvvv -e none -T -o BatchMode=yes proxmox2 /usr/sbin/qm vncproxy 104
/usr/bin/ssh -vvvv -e none -T -o BatchMode=yes /usr/sbin/qm vncproxy 104
from Proxmox1 works:
debug2: channel_input_status_confirm: type 99 id 0
debug2: exec request accepted on channel 0
RFB 003.008
Executing both:
/usr/bin/ssh -vvvv -e none -T -o BatchMode=yes proxmox1 /usr/sbin/qm vncproxy 100
/usr/bin/ssh -vvvv -e none -T -o BatchMode=yes /usr/sbin/qm vncproxy 100
from Proxmox2 works:
debug2: channel_input_status_confirm: type 99 id 0
debug2: exec request accepted on channel 0
RFB 003.008
I should mention, I remember these complaining about the
/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts at first so I removed that file thinking Proxmox would recreate it but it has not. This is also odd as I initially removed this file and it was recreated after some time...not sure what's going on there?
Logging into Proxmox1's Web UI I'm able to successfully connect to Proxmox2's console but none of the console's for any of Proxmox2's VM's
Host key verification failed.
TASK ERROR: Failed to run vncproxy.
Logging into Proxmox2's Web UI I'm able to successfully connect to Proxmox1's console but none of the console's for any of Proxmox1's VM's
Host key verification failed.
TASK ERROR: Failed to run vncproxy.
This is extremely confusing at this point as I feel Proxmox has built in layers of complication to something that should be simple and straight forward. It appears the CLI SSH, CLI VNProxy SSH and Web UI VNC SSH are all doing something different. Do you or does anyone know what the Web UI is doing differently to connect via VNC to a VM's console?