[SOLVED] `systemctl status sniproxy` is inactive even though `ps axf` shows it


Apr 21, 2023
1. I ran apt install sniproxy in PVE CLI
2. And started it with systemctl start sniproxy
3. `systemctl status sniproxy` shows it as Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2023-04-28 11:20:42 +08; 3min 33s ago
4. However, I can see it still running using ps axf
5. It's not really affecting me other than getting a wrong status when checking on it (causing a minor panic)
6. This seems to happen only in PVE, any ideas?
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First: Why do you mess with your PVE install? Use a dedicated ingress-VM that will handle all non-PVE-related ingress such as incoming web requests and proxy there.

Have you enabled sniproxy via systemctl? Please provide the complete output of systemctl status sniproxy and probably also corresponding journalclt output.
1. Because I don't want to have to make a decision on how much resources to allocate it.
2. systemctl start sniproxy will run it in the background. Enabling means it will automatically run at boot. Status should show active as long as it is running, correct?
3. I think the issue is sniproxy.service: Unit process 2386136 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped., but no idea why I'm getting it

root@pve:~# systemctl status sniproxy
● sniproxy.service - HTTPS SNI Proxy
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sniproxy.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: inactive (dead) since Fri 2023-04-28 11:20:42 +08; 2h 40min ago
       Docs: man:sniproxy(8)
    Process: 1596740 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/sniproxy (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 1596740 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
      Tasks: 2 (limit: 76965)
     Memory: 756.0K
        CPU: 4ms
     CGroup: /system.slice/sniproxy.service
             ├─1567716 /usr/sbin/sniproxy
             └─1567717 /usr/sbin/sniproxy

Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve sniproxy[1596740]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve sniproxy[1596740]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567716 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567717 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1596741 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1596742 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
root@pve:~# journalctl -u sniproxy
-- Journal begins at Sun 2023-04-16 13:31:13 +08, ends at Fri 2023-04-28 14:01:58 +08. --
Apr 27 16:46:11 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 27 16:46:11 pve sniproxy[3544966]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 27 16:46:11 pve sniproxy[3544966]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 27 16:46:11 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 27 16:46:11 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3544967 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 3544967 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 3544968 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3544967 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3544968 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3588487 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:49:06 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3588488 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 3544967 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 3544968 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve sniproxy[3589304]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve sniproxy[3589304]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3544967 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:49:33 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3544968 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:51:52 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 27 16:51:52 pve sniproxy[3637947]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 27 16:51:52 pve sniproxy[3637947]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 27 16:51:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 27 16:51:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3637948 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:51:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3637949 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:52:58 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 27 16:52:58 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 27 16:52:58 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 3642109 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 27 16:53:41 pve sniproxy[3642109]: waitpid: No child processes
-- Boot 8de0ac10ae974835a300cf7ee131f155 --
Apr 28 11:19:50 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 28 11:19:50 pve sniproxy[1567715]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:19:50 pve sniproxy[1567715]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:19:50 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 28 11:19:50 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567716 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:50 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567717 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 1567716 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 1567717 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve sniproxy[1568641]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve sniproxy[1568641]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567716 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567717 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1568644 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1568645 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 1567716 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 1567717 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 28 11:19:52 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve sniproxy[1568969]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve sniproxy[1568969]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve sniproxy[1568970]: bind [::]:80 failed: Address already in use
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567716 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve sniproxy[1568970]: Failed to initialize listener [::]:80
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567717 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 1567716 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 1567717 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve sniproxy[1568976]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve sniproxy[1568976]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567716 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567717 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1568977 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:19:53 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1568978 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 1567716 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Found left-over process 1567717 (sniproxy) in control group while starting unit. Ignoring.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: This usually indicates unclean termination of a previous run, or service implementation deficiencies.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: Started HTTPS SNI Proxy.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve sniproxy[1596740]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve sniproxy[1596740]: Using hostname as fallback address is strongly discouraged
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Succeeded.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567716 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1567717 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1596741 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
Apr 28 11:20:42 pve systemd[1]: sniproxy.service: Unit process 1596742 (sniproxy) remains running after unit stopped.
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Apr 28 11:19:53 pve sniproxy[1568970]: Failed to initialize listener [::]:80
This is the error ... there is already a webserver running ... fix that and it should start.

Because I don't want to have to make a decision on how much resources to allocate it.
What resources? If you run e.g. a LX(C) container it should not have much and the memory footprint is comparable to PVE-side resources but with better isolation.
Solved. This had to be indicated in the service file

If anyone knows, how do I report this to the package provider?

Thank you.
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