Switching from kernel 2.6.24 to 2.6.18


Renowned Member
Apr 1, 2009
Berkeley, CA

I've been running Proxmox since the 0.9 days. I'm now on 1.5, but I'm still using the 2.6.24 kernel. To switch to 2.6.18 (stable), is all I need to do to:

apt-get install proxmox-ve-2.6.18

... and make sure Grub boots 2.6.18 by default in /boot/grub/menu.lst?

Thanks in advance!
Thx Udo!

I was reading up a on it a bit more and it seems that any KVM instances will need to be reconfigured from using iSCSI to IDE too.
iSCSI? you mean scsi KVM disks. 2.6.18 only supports IDE for KVM guest, yes.