Suggestion for web interface modification


Renowned Member
Mar 27, 2009
Helsinki, Finland
I have noticed that keeping 'up to date' lists of VM's can be 'problematic' with clusters. Finding the proper VM's full backup for instance. If the VM has been moved from host to host this gets pretty difficult. (Read, impossibly difficult.)

There for I suggest that the all ready magnificent web interface is 'tuned' up a little. The left menu items can be easily moved up to the TopMenu position and thus make the printing of the Virtual Machines lists to paper much easier. (If you don't belive me just try to print those lists now, or worse yet - try to copy/paste that list to some form of Office document so that you can keep track of your VM's later on.)

I really think this modification would be a welcome change to most cluster admin's.

I love ProxMox. In it's current form I think it allready is better than VMWare. But it's still not perfect :)
If you do decide to change the list view I would like to see IP address (if KVM this might not be possible) and/or start of 'Notes: info' in the free space left by the left menu. This way keeping lists of VM's would be so much easier.

One of the problems now is that a VM can host so many services. How can we easily keep track of them if we have to look 'in' to the VM before we can see some of the notes that we usually use to contain that info?
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If you don't belive me just try to print those lists now, or worse yet - try to copy/paste that list to some form of Office document so that you can keep track of your VM's later on.

Both things work perfectly for me - what exactly is the problem?
You can see VM's IP address's in the list you print?
You can see what services/info the VM contains in the list you print?
You can follow up on what vzdump-ID-nr.tgz was taken from what VM that was moved to another host last week? You can find out that without extracting the host files from the archives?

I can't.
You can see VM's IP address's in the list you print?
You can see what services/info the VM contains in the list you print?
You can follow up on what vzdump-ID-nr.tgz was taken from what VM that was moved to another host last week? You can find out that without extracting the host files from the archives?

I can't.

looks like you want a reporting tool and not a web interface? a web interface never replaces the server documentation. maybe you think of parsing the config files directly? just an idea.
Nope. I would just like more clarity to the web interface. It's all ready really good. But it could be better.

Keeping track of the virtual server IP addresses can be a pain. Why would we want a third party tools/applications for it if we can (easily) handle that with Proxmox?

Keeping track of the server 'Notes: info' can be a pain. Why would we want a third party tools/applications for it if we can (easily) handle that with Proxmox?

With virtual server timeline/location comes another problem.

Keeping track of where the virtual server backup from month ago is located can be a pain. The VM could all ready be deleted and a new VM with the same ID is all ready in production on a different host. Why would we want a third party tools/applications for tracking IF we can (easily) handle that with Proxmox?

If it's easy to implement, it should be done.