Storage Configuration Advice


Nov 17, 2019
Hi All,

I would like some advice on the best OSD configuration for a small new cluster I am building. I will be using 3 Servers, with 32GB of memory, 4x12TB hard drives in each for storage, 2x mirrored SSD for the OS and a 10GB connection between the servers.

The question is, what is the best OSD configuration, one OSD per physical drive or is it better to bind the drives together first with striped raid or striped LVM and then use a single OSD for all four?

from what I've read go with one osd per hdd . if you have more then a little disk i/o you may want to add a separate cache drive like a fast nvme . do some research on the cache drive and how to set it up.
Well I have read that also, but looking at it from a memory consumption and performance stand point wouldn't presenting a single OSD with a striped drive better? The Read/Write performance on four stripped drives surpasses even the fastest SSD (with the exemption of NVMe) and would save about 12GB (Assuming the default configuration of bluestone of 4GB per OSD) of memory since it would only be presented as a single drive.

Is my logic correct here or am I missing something?