Start/Stop VM on load of other VM


Nov 30, 2021
Hi Guys!
I'm trying to use capacity when it's not needed for the main application (VM1) for some folding@home (VM2) but I don't want VM2 to influence VM1s performance if needed.
So I asked myself if it was possible to start/stop a VM based on the CPU load of another VM (on the same node) without compromising on having to dedicate ressources to only one or the other?

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Nothing built in as far as I know.
You could probably do this using LXC's and monitoring from the host node and issuing lxc freeze commands as needed.
Don't know about KVM's though.
you can specify "CPU units" per VM in Hardware --> Processors.

It should correspond to chapter 10.13.3 in

CPU weight for a VM. Argument is used in the kernel fair scheduler. The larger the number is, the more CPU time this VM gets. Number is relative to weights of all the other running VMs.

Best regards
Nothing built in as far as I know.
You could probably do this using LXC's and monitoring from the host node and issuing lxc freeze commands as needed.
Don't know about KVM's though.
Hey Mate thanks for the response,
I was afraid, that was the case.
I'll have a look into the ProxMox API and worst case build my own.

Take care and stay healthy!
So Update; I checked in with the APIs and it may be possible.
I'll post the script here, once it's written.