Solaris 11 VM not recognizing cores


Renowned Member
Jul 11, 2012
Latest version of PVE. Installed Solaris 11 VM. If I max the number of sockets to 4 (proxmox max value), within the VM using "psrinfo -pv" or "mpstat" I can see the 4 processors appropriately. When adjusting the "cores" value, it has no effect on the number of CPUs within the VM. For instance, 1 socket and 8 cores shows one vcpu within the VM.

I've tried NUMA on/off, and adjusting the VCPUS value, changing to kvm64 (default), qemu64 & host for cpu types, all to no avail.

None of the other advanced cpu flags seem to apply, so haven't made any adjustments there.

I'm performing hard boot between setting changes, and double checking that settings have applied before starting the VM back up.
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