Setting Up CyberPower 1500VA UPS with Proxmox


May 21, 2019
Hi, I am trying to set up my CyberPower UPS to shutdown my Proxmox server if I lose power. I found a thread that suggests installing NUT and then doing some configuration, but I cannot get my device to show up in my usb device list. This is the output of my list:


It does not change if I unplug and plug in the USB cable from my UPS. Based on the instruction I found, I would expect it to identify the UPS. Am I missing drivers or something? Mouse/Keyboard/External drives are read find through the USB ports. Any help would be much appreciated.

you thought is correct. If the UPS has a USB port you see it whith lsusb.
also check the output of 'dmesg' maybe there is some hint there?

(e.g. execute 'dmesg -w' and then plug it in and see if anything gets recognized)
Today i checked the usb devices and it was suddenly listed. But then one part of the process of setting up nut involves unplugging and then plugging in the USB cord connected to the UPS. When I did this, I lost the connection and wasn't able to get it back. I've attached the output of dmseg--i'm not sure what to make of it. If you search UPS, you can see where it becomes connected several times, and then eventually you can see where device #7 becomes disconnected. But then after that, I plugged and unplugged several times, but no more messages...

Any ideas as to what finally made it get recognized and then why it won't reappear? Does the output of dmseg help at all?

Thank you!

EDIT: I have not touched this setup since I first posted this message two weeks ago. So the connecting, disconnecting, and reconnecting of the UPS through the USB port doesn't make much sense, because I wasn't doing anything during those times. The cable has remained plugged in and undisturbed the whole time.


In the past i had an cyperpower usv running with proxmox fine. it was very easy to install the software that was shipped with the USV. So no thirdpartapp. Use the software from Cyperpower.
In the meseg the Cyberpower disconnection for no reason.
May be something is broken like the USB cable?
In the past i had an cyperpower usv running with proxmox fine. it was very easy to install the software that was shipped with the USV. So no thirdpartapp. Use the software from Cyperpower.

Thank you for the suggestion--I downloaded their power monitoring application and after a reboot, everything seems to be working solidly! Maybe it was something with the nut drivers...
Thank you for the suggestion--I downloaded their power monitoring application and after a reboot, everything seems to be working solidly! Maybe it was something with the nut drivers...
Do you have this working still? When you installed their official package were you able to still use NUTS? Sorry for resurrecting this post having a similar issue.