Hello Everyone,
We currently have a HyperV server at each school. They host AD VMs, Print servers, etc. The physical boxes that are the servers are pretty old, so i'm planning on replacing them and using Proxmox as the hypervisor. The schools are connected via dark fiber so we have a 10 gig connection between them.
The servers don't really have any reason to be in a cluster as i'm not planning to migrate VMs between hosts or anything like that. Also there won't be any shared storage on them. I like the idea of ceph, but i'm not sure since it's only a 10 gig connection between the schools.
I do like the idea of connecting to any of the servers and being able to see what's going on with all the school hosts, and manage any of the other servers from the same web session.
My main concern about setting this up this way is sometimes fiber connections between schools go down. I feel like i've played with Proxmox in the past and turned off two of the three hosts and the single host that was left up, I wasn't able to log into. It like freaked out.
So I guess my question to the forum is, would there be any issue setting up these hosts in different locations up as a cluster just for management purposes? Specifically knowing that sometimes the connection can go down between the cluster nodes, but we need the hosts to keep functioning.
We currently have a HyperV server at each school. They host AD VMs, Print servers, etc. The physical boxes that are the servers are pretty old, so i'm planning on replacing them and using Proxmox as the hypervisor. The schools are connected via dark fiber so we have a 10 gig connection between them.
The servers don't really have any reason to be in a cluster as i'm not planning to migrate VMs between hosts or anything like that. Also there won't be any shared storage on them. I like the idea of ceph, but i'm not sure since it's only a 10 gig connection between the schools.
I do like the idea of connecting to any of the servers and being able to see what's going on with all the school hosts, and manage any of the other servers from the same web session.
My main concern about setting this up this way is sometimes fiber connections between schools go down. I feel like i've played with Proxmox in the past and turned off two of the three hosts and the single host that was left up, I wasn't able to log into. It like freaked out.
So I guess my question to the forum is, would there be any issue setting up these hosts in different locations up as a cluster just for management purposes? Specifically knowing that sometimes the connection can go down between the cluster nodes, but we need the hosts to keep functioning.