Server recommendation


New Member
Jun 30, 2022
Hi everyone.
Hope everyone is having a great day. I am looking for a server specification recommendation and if possible a provider that offer those specifications.
Here's the scenario:
I need a server capable of running 25 - 30 Windows VM. Each VM will also need a dedicated public IP (IP Block). In these VM i wont be running anything CPU or GPU intensive. They will be pretty much used for light software testing.
Provider must have servers in Germany. I been looking into OVH but i don't know what server will suit me best for the needs. Thanks for the help!
Best Regards,
Daniel Preugschat
You might wan't to have a look at Hetzner and hetzner server auctions. They operate 2 DC's in Germany.

They allow the ability to set up Proxmox via a remote-console using a Proxmox ISO setup on a local USB-Stick (google Hetzner + Lara)
please note, that where ever you look, a plethora of IP's will cost you an arm an a leg. that said, you can get them at Hetzner.
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You might wan't to have a look at Hetzner and hetzner server auctions. They operate 2 DC's in Germany.

They allow the ability to set up Proxmox via a remote-console using a Proxmox ISO setup on a local USB-Stick (google Hetzner + Lara)
please note, that where ever you look, a plethora of IP's will cost you an arm an a leg. that said, you can get them at Hetzner.
Thank for you the input. I agree Hetzner looks the best choice when comparing prices.

Now i wonder what kind of hardware will be enough for the task at hand.
Almost impossible to give any accurate suggestion if you dont provide the details of the VMs :) How much ram do they need? How many cores should they use? I/O load on disks and size?

You either have to benchmark and profile the VMs to get that information or simply get the biggest one your money can get and make all your VMs fit somehow.