What exactly do you mean by that? You can either ssh into your PVE machine (sshd listens on standard port 22) or use the noVNC console (easy access via the button in the WebUI)
Just plugin the keyboard and monitor into the server.
You will be greeted with a nice command line asking you to login. Just like in the good old DOS days.
You can not have any graphics there, but command line is default.
Unlike vmware and xenserver proxmox does not obfuscate cli with custom shell.It is the same as any regular server distro.
Aha. When proxmox boots, it has a brief display then it goes blank, then the monitor says no input. It almost looked like it was meant to be that way.... I'll look into the video config. Thanks.
No it something with your video.
Could be the card or output.
Could be the video driver. You may try catching the boot menu and adding nomodset or something to boot option.
Resolved issue with a 1030 card. I can see now, squinting. Kinda small on a 4k. IMO best practice would be to include test-mode option during install. I had to repair the repair tools.