I've created a VM in my Proxmox Cluster that I want to install Windows on via Serva (PXE Boot). My Serva is working and works on Virtual Box w/ Extension and will install windows, however I don't know how the PXE Implementation on Proxmox works and I keep receiving these errors: https://puu.sh/sdPu4/83e9ba2eb9.png Now, I've tried many different virtual hardware setups and I do have the drivers for the Network Card installed in the correct folders for Serva. This is my Vm Setup: https://puu.sh/sdPEA/057de7acc9.png This is an older version of Proxmox and I want to know if maybe in the newer version there was an upgraded NIC firmware. The NIC firmware is the only reason I can think I receive this error. Here is what the Serva site says about this error: https://puu.sh/sdPKV/f450345c8f.png