V vcp_ai Renowned Member Jul 28, 2010 177 5 83 Valencia -Spain- Aug 4, 2010 #1 Is there any way to send windows 'special' key combinations to the integrated Java VNC console ? I.E. Ctl+Shift+Esc to bring Task Manager and so on ..... Regards
Is there any way to send windows 'special' key combinations to the integrated Java VNC console ? I.E. Ctl+Shift+Esc to bring Task Manager and so on ..... Regards
tom Proxmox Staff Member Staff member Aug 29, 2006 15,902 1,164 273 Aug 4, 2010 #2 see "Virtual Machine Configuration/Monitor" type "help" and look for the sendkey command. Reactions: petru
V vcp_ai Renowned Member Jul 28, 2010 177 5 83 Valencia -Spain- Aug 5, 2010 #3 tom said: see "Virtual Machine Configuration/Monitor" type "help" and look for the sendkey command. Click to expand... Yes that works, but it is not for 'heavy use' . I was looking a way to send keys from the VNC Java Console ... Regards
tom said: see "Virtual Machine Configuration/Monitor" type "help" and look for the sendkey command. Click to expand... Yes that works, but it is not for 'heavy use' . I was looking a way to send keys from the VNC Java Console ... Regards