searching for multi-user-interface


Jul 2, 2010
Dear all,

i'm searching for a way to give my customers the ability to control their VMs (at least start/reboot/shutdown). Now i found out that "kvmadm" seems to provide all i need.
Unfortunally i can't install it, because it needs the "qemu-system-x86_64" binarys, which are in debian package "qemu", which can't be installed because of unmet dependencies:
  pve-qemu-kvm: Conflicts: qemu but 0.9.1-10lenny1 is to be installed.
The following actions will resolve these dependencies:

Remove the following packages:

Score is -32

Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] n

Does anybody know any good workaround or alternative software?

Best regards,
does not help now, but 2.x series will do what you want. ~ Q1/2011
Thanks for the info, already seen that.
I just ignored the dependency of the "qemu-system-x86_64" bin file and was able to configure/make/make install my kvmadm.
After having a smoke i'll try out ;)
does not help now, but 2.x series will do what you want. ~ Q1/2011

I can see it now, a flood of fledgling VPS providers on Proxmox.

All your support-ticket... belongs to us!
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Just to let other interested now: I didn't get Proxmox and kvmadm to run together. So there's nothing left than waiting for the new release of proxmox...
All your bug reports belong to... proxmox staff ;P
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